SizeQuota (NotesDatabase - JavaScript™)
Read-Write. The size quota of a database in kilobytes.
Defined in
getSizeQuota() : int
setSizeQuota(quota:int) : void
The size quota specifies the amount of disk space that the server administrator is willing to provide for the database. This property can only be set by a program that has administrator access to the server on which the database resides. The size quota is not the same as the size limit that a user specifies when creating a new database.If the database has no size quota, this property returns 0.
The database does not need to be open to use this property.
This computed field displays the size quota and warning for the current database.return "Size quota = " + database.getSizeQuota() + " kilobytes, warning = " + database.getSizeWarning();
button removes the size quota and warning for the current database.