HttpURL (NotesDatabase - JavaScript™)
Read-only. The Domino® URL of a database when HTTP protocols are in effect.
Defined in
getHttpURL() : string
This button gets the Notes® and HTTP URLs for the current database. The display varies depending on whether access is through Notes® (the HTTP URL is blank) or HTTP protocols.// Get URLs
var notesURL = database.getNotesURL();
var httpURL = database.getHttpURL();
// Assume local if http is blank and print info for notes
if (httpURL.length() == 0) {
requestScope.status = "NotesURL = " + notesURL + "\n" +
"HttpURL = None";
// If http exists print info for both assuming output to browser
else {
requestScope.status = "NotesURL = " + notesURL + "\n" +
"HttpURL = " + httpURL;
If HTTP protocols are not available, this property returns an empty string. See NotesURL.See resolve in Session for additional information and examples.