SetContentFromBytes (NotesMIMEEntity - LotusScript®)
Sets the content of the current MIME entity from an uninterpreted byte stream.
Note: This method is new with Release 6.
Defined in
Call notesMIMEEntity .SetContentFromBytes( stream , contentType , encoding )
NotesStream. The byte input. This input replaces any existing content. If the stream is empty, any current content is removed.
String. Content type/subtype of input. This parameter generates a Content-Type header.
Constant of type Integer. The MIME transfer encoding, which should reflect the encoding of the input stream. This parameter generates a Content-Transfer-Encoding header. See also EncodeContent.
- ENC_BASE64 (1727) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "base64"
- ENC_EXTENSION (1731) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is user-defined
- ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT (1728) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "7bit"
- ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT (1729) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "8bit"
- ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY (1730) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "binary"
- ENC_NONE (1725) -- no Content-Transfer-Encoding header
- ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE (1726) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "quoted-printable"
This method sets the stream Position at end of stream.