Encoding (NotesMIMEEntity - LotusScript®)
Read-only. Current® encoding for the non-header content of a MIME entity.
Note: This property is new with Release 6.
Defined in
Data type
Constant of type Integer
To get: encoding% = notesMIMEEntity .Encoding
Legal values
- ENC_BASE64 (1727) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "base64".
- ENC_EXTENSION (1731) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is user-defined.
- ENC_IDENTITY_7BIT (1728) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "7bit".
- ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT (1729) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "8bit".
- ENC_IDENTITY_BINARY (1730) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "binary".
- ENC_NONE (1725) -- no Content-Transfer-Encoding header.
- ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE (1726) -- Content-Transfer-Encoding is "quoted-printable".
The Content-Transfer-Encoding header specifies an entity's encoding as defined in RFC-2045.
DecodeContent and EncodeContent change an entity's encoding.