djxmHeading - Page Heading

Provides header information and basic navigation.




<xe:djxmHeading attributes>content</xe:djxmHeading>
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to djxmHeading1, djxmHeading2, and so on.
back Specifies a label for the navigational control to return to the previous view.
moveTo Specifies a target view when the next control is pressed in the current view.
Table 2. All properties
Category Properties
accessibility title
basics back, binding, dir, href, id, label, lang, loaded, moveTo, rendered, rendererType, transition
dojo dojoAttributes, dojoType, tooltip
styling disableTheme, style, styleClass, themeId


This example demonstrates a mobile application with one page which has a heading.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="" xmlns:xe="">
	<xe:singlePageApp id="xpagesMobileApp"
		<xe:appPage id="appPage1" pageName="homePage" >
			<xe:djxmHeading id="homePageHeading" label="Home"></xe:djxmHeading>