djButton - Dojo Button
Activates an event handler.
Dojo FormSyntax
<xe:djButton attributes>content</xe:djButton>
Property | Description |
id | Defaults to djButton1 , djButton2 ,
and so on. |
label | Specifies the text that appears on the button. |
onClick | Specifies an action to be taken when the button is clicked. |
Category | Properties |
accessibility | alt, tabIndex, title, waiRole, waiState |
basics | binding, dir, disabled, id, immediate, label, lang, loaded, multipleSeparator, multipleTrim, readOnly, rendered, rendererType, required, showLabel, type |
data | converter, defaultValue, disableClientSideValidation, disableModifiedFlag, disableValidators,showReadOnlyAsDisabled, validator, validators, value, valueChangeListener, valueChangeListeners |
dojo | dojoAttributes, dojoType, dragRestriction, intermediateChanges, tooltip |
events | onBlur, onChange, onClick, onClose, onDblClick, onFocus, onHide, onKeyDown, onKeyPress, onKeyUp, onMouseDown, onMouseEnter, onMouseLeave, onMouseMove, onMouseOut, onMouseOver, onMouseUp, onShow |
styling | disableTheme, style, styleClass, themeId |
This is a Dojo control.At run time,
the user clicks the button to activate its onClick
This control is not tested against the latest accessibility standards. The recommended accessible path is the Button control.
This example consists of a Button that activates a client event.<xp:table>
<xe:djButton id="djButton1" label="say hello"
<xp:eventHandler event="onClick" submit="false">
<xe:this.script><![CDATA[alert("Hello, world!")]]></xe:this.script>