OpenDatabase (NotesDbDirectory - LotusScript®)
Opens a database.
Note: This method is new with Release 5.0.2b.
Note: This method is supported in COM only. For LotusScript®, use Open in NotesDatabase.
Defined in
Set notesDatabase = notesDbDirectory .OpenDatabase( dbfile$ [ , failover ] )
The file name of the database to open.
Boolean. If True and the database cannot be opened on the current server, an attempt is made to open it on another server in the cluster (if there is a cluster). The object's Server and FilePath properties reflect the server that the database is opened on. Default is False.
Return value
The opened database.
This method usually raises ERR_SYS_FILE_NOT_FOUND (error 0FA3) if the database does not exist. However, other errors may occur or the method may return an object with blank properties.