- Properties and methods with ECL security
The following tables list the properties and methods affected by an Execution Control List (ECL). These properties cannot be accessed or set, and these methods do not execute on the workstation, unless the marked ECL privileges are granted to the signer of the formula.
- LotusScript constants
The following sections provide contextual information for the constants used by the LotusScript® classes. Listed are the constant names, their integer values (in parentheses), and the properties and methods in which they are used.
- Button (LotusScript)
Represents an action, action hotspot, or button on a form or document.
- Field (LotusScript)
Represents a field on a form.
- Navigator (LotusScript)
Represents a navigator button, hotspot, or other navigator object.
- NotesACL (LotusScript)
Represents the access control list (ACL) of a database.
- NotesACLEntry (LotusScript)
Represents a single entry in an access control list. An entry may be for a person, a group, or a server.
- NotesAdministrationProcess (LotusScript)
Represents the administration process.
- NotesAgent (LotusScript)
Represents an agent. The agent may be shared or private, and may be a Release 3 macro.
- NotesCalendar (LotusScript)
Represents a Domino® calendar.
- NotesCalendarEntry (LotusScript)
Represents a Domino® calendar entry.
- NotesCalendarNotice (LotusScript)
Represents a Domino® calendar notice.
- NotesColorObject (LotusScript)
Represents a color.
- NotesDatabase (LotusScript)
Represents a Notes® database.
- NotesDateRange (LotusScript)
Represents a range of dates and times.
- NotesDateTime (LotusScript)
Represents a date and time. Provides a means of translating between the LotusScript® date-time format and the Domino® format.
- NotesDbDirectory (LotusScript)
Represents the Notes® databases on a specific server or local computer.
- NotesDirectory (LotusScript)
Represents the Notes® directories on a specific server or local computer, each of which is associated with one or more directory navigators to allow directory lookups.
- NotesDirectoryNavigator (LotusScript)
Allows lookups of a specific associated Notes® directory on a specific server or local computer.
- NotesDocument (LotusScript)
Represents a document in a database.
- NotesDocumentCollection (LotusScript)
Represents a collection of documents from a database, selected according to specific criteria.
- NotesDominoQuery (LotusScript)
LotusScript® class to compile, tune, and run Domino® Query Language queries.
- NotesDOMAttributeNode (LotusScript)
Represents an attribute in a NotesDOMElementNode object.
- NotesDOMCDATASectionNode (LotusScript)
Represents a CDATA section in the XML data source.
- NotesDOMCharacterDataNode (LotusScript)
Represents character data in a DOM node.
- NotesDOMCommentNode (LotusScript)
Represents a comment in the XML.
- NotesDOMDocumentFragmentNode (LotusScript)
Represents a document fragment in the XML.
- NotesDOMDocumentNode (LotusScript)
Represents the entire XML document. The root of the document tree.
- NotesDOMDocumentTypeNode (LotusScript)
The list of entities that are defined for the document.
- NotesDOMElementNode (LotusScript)
Represents an element in an XML document.
- NotesDOMEntityNode (LotusScript)
Represents an entity node in the XML.
- NotesDOMEntityReferenceNode (LotusScript)
Represents an entity reference node in the XML.
- NotesDOMNamedNodeMap (LotusScript)
Used by methods of the NotesDOMNode class for returning the list of an element node's attributes.
- NotesDOMNode (LotusScript)
Represents a single node in the document tree.
- NotesDOMNodeList (LotusScript)
Used by methods of the NotesDOMNode class for returning the list of an element node's child elements.
- NotesDOMNotationNode (LotusScript)
Represents a notation declared in the DTD.
- NotesDOMParser (LotusScript)
Processes input XML into a standard DOM (Document Object Model) tree structure.
- NotesDOMProcessingInstructionNode (LotusScript)
Represents a processing instruction, used in XML as a way to keep processor-specific information in the text of the document.
- NotesDOMTextNode (LotusScript)
Represents the textual content of an element or attribute.
- NotesDOMXMLDeclNode (LotusScript)
The XML declaration which specifies the version of XML being used.
- NotesDXLExporter (LotusScript)
Represents the conversion of Domino® data to DXL (Domino® XML).
- NotesDXLImporter (LotusScript)
Represents the conversion of DXL (Domino® XML) to Domino® data.
- NotesEmbeddedObject (LotusScript)
Represents any one of the following:
- NotesForm (LotusScript)
Represents a form in a database.
- NotesGPS (LotusScript)
Provides access to user location for supported platforms. Supported for HCL Nomad on iOS and Android V1.0.4 and higher. Supported for HCL Nomad for web browsers V1.0.3 and higher.
- NotesGPSPosition (LotusScript)
Represents a position provided by the global positioning device on a platform. Currently supported for HCL Nomad beginning with Release 1.0.4.
- NotesGPSCoordinates (LotusScript)
Contains the current coordinates of the position of a device. Currently supported for HCL Nomad beginning with Release 1.0.4.
- NotesHTTPRequest (LotusScript)
LotusScript class used to make HTTP requests to web servers.
- NotesIDVault (LotusScript)
The NotesIDVault class is a representation of the secure storage facility for UserIDs that may be configured for Domino by policy. IDs are stored there to allow for easier management by administrators and users. IDs from more than one server may be stored within an IDVault. The NotesIDVault class provides methods to access UserID files, UserID objects, query the presence of an ID in the vault, sycnronise copies of IDs, and reset passwords. The NotesIDVault class can be used to access UserID objects or files. These can be used to accomplish the encryption or decryption of Documents while running on the server .
- NotesInternational (LotusScript)
Represents the international settings in the operating environment, for example, the Windows™ Control Panel international settings. When any of these settings is changed in the operating environment, Domino® recognizes the new settings immediately.
- NotesItem (LotusScript)
Represents a specific piece of data in a document.
- NotesJSONArray (LotusScript)
Represents a JSON array.
- NotesJSONElement (LotusScript)
Represents a name, value pair in a JSON string.
- NotesJSONNavigator (LotusScript)
LotusScript class used to parse JSON data.
- NotesJSONObject (LotusScript)
Represents a JSON object.
- NotesLog (LotusScript)
Enables you to record actions and errors that take place during a script's execution. You can record actions and errors in:
- NotesMIMEEntity (LotusScript)
Represents the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) content of a document.
- NotesMIMEHeader (LotusScript)
Represents a header in a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) document.
- NotesName (LotusScript)
Represents a name.
- NotesNewsletter (LotusScript)
A document or set of documents that contain information from, or links to, several other documents.
- NotesNoteCollection (LotusScript)
Represents a collection of Domino® design and data elements in a database.
- NotesOutline (LotusScript)
Represents an outline in a database.
- NotesOutlineEntry (LotusScript)
Represents an entry within an outline. For a detailed explanation of outline and outline entry, see Application Development with Domino® Designer.
- NotesProperty (LotusScript)
Represents a single property in the Composite Applications properties of a Domino® application. Properties are data transmitted to or from the Property Broker, which routes your application's communication with other components in a composite application. Properties are defined in a Wiring Properties design element.
- NotesPropertyBroker (LotusScript)
Mediates communication between components of a composite application, allowing communication between multiple Notes® components, or between Notes® and Java™ components.
- NotesRegistration (LotusScript)
Represents the creation or administration of an ID file.
- NotesReplication (LotusScript)
Represents the replication settings of a database.
- NotesReplicationEntry (LotusScript)
Represents the replication settings for a pair of servers in a database.
- NotesRichTextDocLink (LotusScript)
Represents a doclink in a rich text item.
- NotesRichTextItem (LotusScript)
Represents an item of type rich text.
- NotesRichTextNavigator (LotusScript)
Represents a means of navigation in a rich text item.
- NotesRichTextParagraphStyle (LotusScript)
Represents rich text paragraph attributes.
- NotesRichTextRange (LotusScript)
Represents a range of elements in a rich text item.
- NotesRichTextSection (LotusScript)
Represents a collapsible section in a rich text item.
- NotesRichTextStyle (LotusScript)
Represents rich text attributes.
- NotesRichTextTab (LotusScript)
Represents rich text tab attributes.
- NotesRichTextTable (LotusScript)
Represents a table in a rich text item.
- NotesSAXAttributeList (LotusScript)
- NotesSAXException (LotusScript)
- NotesSAXParser (LotusScript)
Processes input XML as a series of events using a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser.
- NotesSession (LotusScript)
Represents the environment of the current script, providing access to environment variables, Address Books, information about the current user, and information about the current Notes® platform and release number.
- NotesStream (LotusScript)
Represents a stream of binary or character data.
- NotesTimer (LotusScript)
Represents a mechanism for triggering an event every fixed number of seconds.
- NotesUIDatabase (LotusScript)
Represents the database that's currently open in the Notes® workspace.
- NotesUIDocument (LotusScript)
Represents the document that's currently open in the Notes® workspace.
- NotesUIScheduler (LotusScript)
- NotesUIView (LotusScript)
Represents the current view in the Notes® workspace.
- NotesUIWorkspace (LotusScript)
Represents the current Notes® workspace window.
- NotesUserID (LotusScript)
The NotesUserID class represents the Notes ID file or a Notes ID when it resides within the Domino IDVault. This object is primarily used to obtain the names of the private encryption keys which are available for use within the UserID object.
- NotesView (LotusScript)
Represents a view or folder of a database and provides access to documents within it.
- NotesViewColumn (LotusScript)
Represents a column in a view or folder.
- NotesViewEntry (LotusScript)
Represents a view entry. A view entry represents a row in a view.
- NotesViewEntryCollection class (LotusScript)
Represents a collection of view entries, selected according to specific criteria. This class provides you mainly with a collection of documents in a view-sorted order.
- NotesViewNavigator (LotusScript)
Represents a view navigator. A view navigator provides access to all or a subset of the entries in a view.
- NotesXMLProcessor (LotusScript)
A base class containing properties and methods common to all XML processing classes.
- NotesXSLTransformer (LotusScript)
Represents the transformation of DXL (Domino® XML) data through XSLT.