- This script opens the first database found on the current computer
(local machine if the script runs on a workstation, server if the
script runs on a server).
Dim directory As New NotesDbDirectory( "" )
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = directory.GetFirstDatabase( DATABASE )
Call db.Open( "", "" )
- This LotusScript® agent
opens each database in the AddressBooks property of NotesSession.
The NotesDatabase variable, book, must be treated as a Variant to
be used as an AddressBooks element.
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Forall book In s.AddressBooks
book.open "", ""
Messagebox book.Title,, "Address book"
End Forall
End Sub
- This Visual Basic code opens each database in the AddressBooks
property of NotesSession. The NotesDatabase variable, book, must be
treated as a Variant to be used as an AddressBooks element.
Private Sub Open_Click()
Dim s As New NotesSession
For Each book In s.AddressBooks
List1.AddItem (book.Title)
End Sub
- This script opens the SALES.NSF database on the server HongKong.
Dim db As New NotesDatabase( "", "" )
Call db.Open( "HongKong", "sales.nsf" )
- This script tests for the existence of a specific database. You
have a script that archives documents from one database to an archive
database. If the archive database doesn't exist, the script creates
it; otherwise, the script opens it.
Dim archiveDb As New NotesDatabase( "", "" )
Dim originalDb As New NotesDatabase( "", "product.nsf" )
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
If ( Not ( archiveDb.Open( "", "archive\" & _
originalDb.FileName ) ) ) Then
Set archiveDb = originalDb.CreateCopy( "", "archive\" _
& originalDb.FileName )
Call archiveDb.GrantAccess( "Ivan Ash", ACL_MANAGER )
End If