Examples: IsField property (NotesViewColumn - LotusScript®)
This agent displays whether the columns in a view are based on fields or formulas, and displays the item name for fields and the formula for formulas.
Sub Initialize
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim f As String
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("View A")
Forall vc In view.Columns
title = vc.Title
If title = "" Then title = "<No title>"
If vc.IsField Then
Messagebox "Column is based on field " & vc.ItemName,, _
"Column " & vc.Position & " - " & title
Elseif vc.IsFormula Then
Messagebox "Column is based on formula:" & Chr(13) & _
vc.Formula,, "Column " & vc.Position & " - " & title
Messagebox "IsField and IsFormula are both False",, _
End If
End Forall
End Sub