dataProvider - Possible Values List

Provides selection data for a value picker.




	<xe:beanValuePicker attributes>content</xe:beanValuePicker> |
	<xe:dominoViewValuePicker attributes>content</xe:dominoViewValuePicker> |
	<xe:simpleValuePicker attributes>content</xe:simpleValuePicker>
Table 1. Properties for xe:beanValuePicker
Property Description
dataBean Name or class name of the managed bean.
loaded Whether the tag instance should be created when the page is loading. Defaults to true.
Table 2. Properties for xe:dominoViewValuePicker
Property Description
databaseName Name of the application containing the view.
labelColumn Label of a column in the view.
loaded Whether the tag instance should be created when the page is loading. Defaults to true.
viewName Name of the view.
Table 3. Properties for xe:simpleValuePicker
Property Description
caseInsensitive True for a case-insensitive key.
labelSeparator Separator for a label and text value, for example, to place a vertical bar between a translatable label and a locale-independent value.
loaded Whether the tag instance should be created when the page is loading. Defaults to true.
valueList The selection values.
valueListSeparator Value separator for a text list.


In Design mode, click All Properties and look for dataProvider under basics.


This example consists of a Link Select control bound to a scoped variable, a button for submitting the page, and a computed field that displays the value of the scoped variable.
		<xp:td>Link Select</xp:td>
			<xe:djextLinkSelect id="djextLinkSelect1"
					<xe:simpleValuePicker valueListSeparator=","
			<xp:button value="submit" id="button1"><xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" 
refreshMode="complete" immediate="false" save="true"></xp:eventHandler></xp:button></xp:td>
			<xp:text escape="true" id="computedField1"