dashNodes - Dash Nodes

Provides a dash node in the Dashboard that can be customized to display different backgrounds and different textual information. The Dashboard is made up of a number of "dash nodes" - up to 12 of them. Each node can then be further be customized. For example, this control could be used as an administration dashboard that displays the status of a number of services. As another example, the dashboard could display the different status types for tasks and the number of tasks currently under each status type in a task tracking application.




<xe:this.dashNodes>properties and content</xe:this.dashNodes>
Table 1. Properties for xe:this.dashNodes
Property Description
<xe:dashnode attributes></xe:dashnode> Child slide of the slide node with content the same as <xe:this.slideNodes>.
imageSrc="source_filename" Specifies the location of the image to be used as the background for this dash node.
imageAlt="image_text" Specifies the alternate text to display if the image can not be loaded. Used by assistive technologies.
imageStyle="css_property" Specifies a CSS style property to define the visual style of the dash node.
imageClass="css_class_property" Specifies a CSS style class(es) property to define the CSS class(es) assigned to the heading of the dash node.
imageHeight="size_value" Specifies the height of the image when displayed - for example, 100px, 10em, 2cm, 50%, etc.
imageWidth="size_value" Specifies the width of the image when displayed - for example, 100px, 10em, 2cm, 50%, etc.
iconEnabled="true|false" Boolean. Specifies whether to use a GLYPHICON instead of an image. The default value is false. When enabled, the image properties will be ignored and the icon displayed instead.
icon="icon_class" Specifies the GLYPHICON CSS class to use, which represents a certain GLYPHICON icon, e.g. glyphicon-ok, glyphicon-home, glyphicon-remove etc. For the full list of available icons, see http://getbootstrap.com/components/#glyphicons.
iconSize="size_value" Specifies the font size of the icon - for example, 72px, 30em, 50pt, etc.
iconStyle="css_property" Specifies a CSS style property to define the visual style of the icon on the dash node.
iconTag="tag_value" Specifies the HTML tag to be used to display the icon - for example, 'div', 'p', 'span' etc. ). The default is 'div'.
iconTitle="title_text" Specifies the title text to add to the icon. Used by assistive technologies.
labelText="your_text" Specifies a text label that appears below the image or icon in the dash node.
labelHref="link_URL" Specifies a link attribute that can be assigned to the label to turn the label text into a link.
labelStyle="css_property" Specifies a CSS style property to define the visual style of the label on the dash node.
labelClass="css_class_property" Specifies a CSS style class(es) property to define the CSS class(es) assigned to the label on the dash node.
description="desc_text" Displays a text description of the dash node that appears below the icon or the image as well as the label text.
descriptionStyle="css_property" Specifies a CSS style property to define the visual style of the description of the dash node.
descriptionStyleClass="css_class_property" Specifies a CSS style class(es) property to define the CSS class(es) assigned to the description of the dash node.
badgeEnabled=""true|false"" Boolean. Specifies whether to enable the badge on the dash node. This is a small colored circle that appears next to the label text, and is most often used to display a number for that dash node.
badgeLabel="your_text" Specifies the text value that will appear in the badge.
badgeStyle="css_property" Specifies a CSS style property to define the visual style of the badge on the dash node.
badgeStyleClass="css_class_property" Specifies a CSS style class(es) property to define the CSS class(es) assigned to the badge on the dash node.
sizeExtraSmall="size_value" Specifies the size of the dash node when displayed on extra small devices - for example, mobile phones. The size can be any number between 1-12. The number represents the number of columns in width that the node will span. See the Bootstrap documentation for more information: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid. Extra small is a size defined by Bootstrap, and equates to devices with a screen width less than 768 pixels wide.
sizeSmall="size_value" Specifies the size of the dash node when displayed on small devices - for example, tablets. The size can be any number between 1-12. The number represents the number of columns in width that the node will span. See the Bootstrap documentation for more information: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid. Small is a size defined by Bootstrap, and equates to devices with a screen width between 768 pixels and 990 pixels wide.
sizeMedium="size_value" Specifies the size of the dash node when displayed on medium devices, for example - laptops or desktop monitors. The size can be any number between 1-12. The number represents the number of columns in width that the node will span. See the Bootstrap documentation for more information: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid. Medium is a size defined by Bootstrap, and equates to devices with a screen width between 990 pixels and 1200 pixels wide.
sizeLarge="size_value" Specifies the size of the dash node when displayed on large devices - for example, large high-resolution monitors. The size can be any number between 1-12. The number represents the number of columns in width that the node will span. See the Bootstrap documentation for more information: http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid. Large is a size defined by Bootstrap, and equates to devices with a screen width more than 1200 pixels wide.


In Design mode, click All Properties and look for slideNodes under basics.


This code example shows a Dashboard control that has three dash nodes.
<xe:dashboard id="dashboard1"
	style="background-color: #eeeeee;"
	heading="Dashboard Heading">
		<xe:dashNode sizeLarge="4" sizeMedium="4" sizeSmall="4" sizeExtraSmall="12"
			labelText="Node 1"
			description="description for dash node 1">
		<xe:dashNode sizeMedium="4" sizeSmall="4" sizeLarge="4" sizeExtraSmall="6"
			labelText="Node 2" 
		<xe:dashNode sizeLarge="4" sizeMedium="4" sizeSmall="4" sizeExtraSmall="6"
			labelText="Node 3"