RoamingCleanupSetting (NotesRegistration - JavaScript)

Read-write. Indicates the clean-up process for data on Notes® clients set up for roaming users.

Defined in



getRoamingCleanupSetting() : int

setRoamingCleanupSetting(setting:int) : void

Legal value Description
Registration.REG_ROAMING_CLEANUP_AT_SHUTDOWN (2) indicates that roaming data is deleted upon Notes® shutdown.
Registration.REG_ROAMING_CLEANUP_EVERY_NDAYS (1) indicates that roaming data is deleted every so many days as specified by RoamingCleanupPeriod.
Registration.REG_ROAMING_CLEANUP_NEVER (0) (default) indicates that roaming data is never deleted.
Registration.REG_ROAMING_CLEANUP_PROMPT (3) indicates that a user is prompted upon exiting Notes®. The user can choose an individual clean-up or not. The user can also decline being prompted in the future.


Optionally set this property before calling registerNewUser.

IsRoamingUser must be true.