Inserting or deleting rows, columns, and cells

You can insert rows above or below the selected rows and insert columns before or after the selected columns. You can also insert or delete cells and shift the cells right or down, and left or up.


  • To insert rows, select a row or multiple continuous rows, right-click and select Insert Row Above or Insert Row Below. The inserted rows style follows the most bottom row style of selected rows.
  • To insert columns, select a column or multiple continuous columns, right-click and select Insert Column Before or Insert Column After. The inserted columns style follows the most right column style of selected columns.
  • To insert cells, select a cell or multiple continuous cells, right-click, and then select Insert Cells and Shift Right or Insert Cells and Shift Down.
  • To delete rows or columns, select the rows or columns that you want to delete, right-click, and then select Delete Row or Delete Column.
  • To delete cells, select the cells that you want to delete, right-click, and then select Delete Cells and Shift Left or Delete Cells and Shift Up.