Copying and applying formatting in spreadsheets

You can copy formatting from a column, a row, or a cell and apply it to other columns, rows, or cells.

About this task

Examples of formatting that can be copied are fonts, colors, alignment, text wrap, and so on.

Note: This feature is available only in HCL Docs 2.0.1 iFix 003 and future releases.


  1. Select the columns, rows, or cells that you want to copy formatting from.
  2. Click the Copy Formatting icon Copy Formatting icon.
    Your cursor changes to a paintbrush.
  3. Drag the paintbrush over the columns, rows, or cells that you want to apply the formatting to, and then release the mouse button.
    • The target range must match the source range type of the format you copied. For example, the row formatting can only be copied to rows, and it cannot be applied to columns or cells. Similarly, the column formatting can only be copied to columns and it cannot be applied to rows or cells.
    • The target range that you want to apply the copied formatting cannot be too large, for example, you cannot copy formatting from a cell and then apply it to the whole sheet.