Moving slides

You can move slides to organize your presentation for different audiences.


  1. In the Slides panel, select one or more slides.
  2. To move the slides within the presentation:
    • Drag the selected slides to the position that you want in the presentation.
    • Right-click one of the selected slides and select Move Up or Move Down.
    • Right-click any of the selected slides and select Cut, or click Edit > Cut. Then right-click the slide after which you want to insert the slides and select Paste Before or Paste After.
      Note: You can also right-click any of the selected slides and select Copy, or click Edit > Copy. Then right-click the slide after which you want to insert the slides and select Paste Before or Paste After.
  3. To move the slides to another presentation file, select up to five slides, copy them, and then paste them into the new presentation.
    Note: Shapes, merged tables, empty placeholders, and slide numbers cannot be copied into a new presentation. These objects will be missing from slides pasted into a new presentation.