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Configure Friendly URLs for Digital Asset Management

Optional custom path definition to access the DAM resources using friendly URLs. A new context route is created based on the value defined in friendlyUrlContextRoot. By default, this feature is disabled with no value set for friendlyUrlContextRoot.

    friendlyUrlContextRoot: ""


    friendlyUrlContextRoot: "/assets"

When the context root is set as /assets, it will make the DAM assets accessible at /assets/{collection name/unique id}/{asset name/unique id}.

The following optional query parameters can be used with the friendly URLs:

  • binary: true/false - retrieves the asset file as a binary if true or the metadata if false
  • rendition: Original/Desktop/Tablet/Smartphone/{custom rendition} - retrieves the specified rendition of the asset
  • version: (Version number or id) - retrieves the specified version of the asset

The URLs will be formed as follows:

/assets/{collection name/unique id}/{asset name/unique id}?binary={true/false}&rendition={rendition type}&version={version id}