Coding the portlet JSP | HCL Digital Experience

Use the Rational Application Developer Project Explorer to work with the pers_offers.Pzn_offersSpot.class and the pers_offers.Per_Offers_UserSpot.class to define the context parameters offersSpot and the userSpot. Code the setRequest calls to pass the user context to personalization.


  1. From the Rational Application Developer Project Explorer, open PersOffers/WebContent/pers_offers/jsp/html/Pers_OffersPortletView.jsp
  2. Drag the pers_offers.Pzn_offersSpot.class file from PersOffers/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/pers_offers onto the JSP file.
    This class is one of the classes you generated in the content resource wizard.
  3. In the Properties window, select offersSpot from the Id list.
  4. Drag the pers_offers.Per_Offers_UserSpot.class file from PersOffers/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes/pers_offers onto the JSP file.
  5. In the Id field, type userSpot.
  6. Switch to source mode in the JSP file editor.
  7. Replace the existing text with the following sample. The setRequest calls pass the user context to personalization:
    <%@ page session="false" contentType="text/html" import="java.util.*, pers_offers.*"%>
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portlet.tld" prefix="portletAPI" %>
    <jsp:useBean class="pers_offers.Pzn_offersSpot" id="offersSpot"></jsp:useBean>
    <jsp:useBean class="pers_offers.Per_Offers_UserSpot" id="userSpot"></jsp:useBean>
  8. Save the file and check for syntax errors.
  9. Insert the following code at the end of the JSP file:
    <DIV style="margin: 6px">
    <H3 style="margin-bottom: 3px">Welcome to Personalized Offers!</H3></DIV>
    Here is a personalized offer:<BR>
    <%=offersSpot.getRuleContent()[0].getTitle() %>
    <%=offersSpot.getRuleContent()[0].getDetails() %>
  10. Save and close the JSP file.

What to do next

You finished the basic coding of the personalized portlet. You can now export the WAR file from Rational Application Developer and install the portlet in HCL Portal.