Roadmap: Container deployment

This roadmap is for deploying containers in the cloud.

Who should use this roadmap

Use this roadmap if you are an organization with the following requirements:
  • An organization that needs to deploy in the cloud.
  • An organization that needs to make fault-tolerant systems.
  • An organization that needs to use clustering, scheduling, and orchestration to scale applications.

Installing prerequisite

You can use existing prerequisite software installations. Verify that the DX containers are hosted in a customer-owned container repository.

Deploying DX

Gather information and software before you install.


  1. Download the archive from the HCL Software Licensing Portal.
  2. Extract the contents of the archive.
  3. Load the containers onto the local repository:
    • docker load -i dXOperator.9.0.5.tar
    • docker load -i dxEnable.9.0.5.tar
  4. From the local repository, push the containers to a repository accessible from your OpenShift deployment.
  5. Open a terminal window.
  6. From the deploy folder, open the operator.yaml file.
  7. Go to the
    # Replace this with the built image name
    and enter the location of the container repository after image:. For example, image:
  8. To install the DxDeployment custom resource definition, run the script or run the following command:
    kubectl create -f ./deploy/crds/git_v1_dxdeployment_crd.yaml
  9. In your OpensShift deployment, create the DX namespace. For example, dx-deployment.
  10. To install the project scoped service account, the role, the role binding, and the operator, run the script The syntax of this command is namespace. For example: dx-deployment
  11. To remove the DX namespace, install the project scoped service account, the role, the role binding, and the operator, run the script The syntax of this command is namespace. For example: dx-deployment
  12. To update the DX namespace, install the project scoped service account, the role, the role binding, and the operator, run the script The syntax of this command is namespace. For example: dx-deployment