Modifying index pages | HCL Digital Experience

After you create an index page from a template, add some sample content and set up an index to display it.

About this task

When you are done, the page contains portlets that show content from this area, but none that cross-reference to other areas.


  1. Modify the default content.

    Edit the title that appears in the index, the phone number and email, and the heading. Add introductory text for the body of an Index item.

    The default content is stored in an Index content item, which you can edit inline or through the Web Content Manager authoring portlet.

  2. Modify the breadcrumb text.

    The text that you see in the breadcrumb comes from the title of the site area that is mapped to the page. This text is copied from the friendly URL name that is entered when the page was created. If you need to change it, you can do so by editing the site area through the HCL Web Content Manager authoring portlet.

  3. Modify or remove the promotional content.

    Many index page templates have a large promotional slideshow banner. Index page templates that are designed for intranets or for deeper levels of the site do not have a promotional banner.

    You can add or modify promotional images through inline editing or the Web Content Manager authoring portlet. They are all stored in a Promotions area local to the area of the site for this index. To change the sequence of the images, change their order in the authoring portlet.

    To remove the promotional slideshow, you must replace it with a "signpost" item that is designed for use on an index page. You can copy a signpost item from any of the templates that are not set up to use a slideshow. For example, the FAQs template. Copy the Index Signpost page component configuration into the Components area that is associated with your index page, and then reroute the signposting portlet to use this page component configuration.

    To keep the site area free of unused content, delete the promotional slideshow component configuration from the Components area. Also remove the sample promotions from the Promotions area.

    Tip: If you expect to make these changes every time you use a particular template, save time by making a new version of the template that does not include the slideshow.
  4. Modify the index list.

    You can modify the index list, for example, to change the header or footer or select a different result design. Edit the index list inline by switching into edit mode, hover over the index list and click on Open Edit Form. You can also edit the index list through the authoring user interface. The Index List page component configuration is stored in the Components.

  5. Add teasers, navigation, and lists.

    All of the same options that are discussed for landing pages regarding teasers, navigation, lists, slideshows, and so on apply to index pages too. This is how you create cross-referencing and shortcuts across the site and drive users through to particular site areas with teasers.