Teaser | HCL Digital Experience

This portlet is used to display some rich text on a page.


This portlet can be used anywhere on your site to display some rich text.

Adding the portlet to a page

  1. Go to the page where you want to add a Teaser.
  2. Click Edit Mode.
  3. Click Create > Content > Teasers.
  4. Drag the Teaser to the page and save the page.

Content author customization options

Inline options

Using the direct edit menu the content author can quickly edit the rich text that is displayed in the portlet.

Portlet configuration options

By clicking Open Edit Form from the portlet menu the content author enter a title for the teaser, and they can also select a header or footer component to display in the video teaser. The Teaser Title is displayed only if it is referenced within the rich text field, or the header component by using an element tag.

Site designer customization options

By clicking Open Edit Form from the portlet menu the site designer can further customize the teaser.

CSS Style

The default stylesheet that is used by this portlet is contentLanding. To customize this CSS file, first make a copy of the CSS file, edit the copy, and then enter the name of the new CSS file in the CSS Style parameter in the portlet configuration document.

CSS files are stored in this WebDAV folder: dav://server:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/themes/Portal8.5/CTC/css.