Component Footers | HCL Digital Experience
These components store reusable tags, text, and code that are used in the footer of other component designs.
- Carousel Footer Script
- Footer script that is required in carousels to parse the carousel data store and create the carousel.
- Mobile Carousel Footer Script
- Footer script that is required in carousels to parse the carousel data store and create the carousel.
- Mobile Slideshow Footer Script
- Footer script that is required in slideshows to start the slideshow and set caption subscription.
- Paging Bar
- Slideshow Footer Script
- Footer script that is required in slideshows to start the slideshow and set caption subscription.
- Slideshow Footer with Navigation and Caption
- Footer with slideshow navigation, caption area, and script to start the slideshow.
- Slideshow Footer with Navigation and Caption
- Footer with slideshow navigation, caption area, and script to start the slideshow.