Component Designs | HCL Digital Experience
These store reusable designs for different component types.
- 2 column grid with 2nd column split
- Design for a 2 column grid with the second column of results that are split into two rows.
- 2-Column Design for Static Content
- Result design that renders items into 2 columns, each result has image, title, summary, and link.
- 3 Equal Grid Columns
- Design for 3 equally sized columns.
- Carousel Design with Summary
- Result design for carousels that displays image, title, summary, and link.
- Carousel Design without Summary
- Result design for carousels that displays image, title, and link.
- Collapsible Design with Inline Body
- Result design with description and hidden body. Clicking the description expands to show the body.
- Combination List Design with Date Range
- Result design with three items in the header that is shown with a small image, the rest with no image. All items are shown with date range.
- Combination List Design with Last Modified Date
- Result design with three items in the header that is shown with a small image, the rest with no image. All items are shown with last modified date.
- Combination List Design with Posted Date
- Result design with three items in the header that is shown with a small image, the rest with no image. All items are shown with publish date.
- Combination List Design with Publish Date
- Result design with three items in the header that is shown with a small image, the rest with no image. All items are shown with publish date.
- Compact Design with Date Range
- Result design for scheduled items with date ranges. Each result is a single line.
- Compact Design with Last Modified Date
- Result design for articles with last modified date shown. Each result is a single line.
- Compact Design with Posted Date
- Result design for posts with publish date shown. Each result is a single line.
- Compact Design with Publish Date
- Result design for posts with publish date shown. Each result is a single line.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Posts
- Slideshow result design for featured posts with feature image, and caption of title, attribution, date, summary, and link.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Posts, with overflow list
- Slideshow result design for featured posts with feature image, and caption of title, attribution, date, summary, and link. After the slideshow is "full", the rest of the items will display as a list.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Scheduled Events
- Slideshow design for featured scheduled items with feature image and caption with title, start and end dates, summary and link.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Scheduled Events, with overflow list
- Slideshow design for featured scheduled items with feature image and caption with title, start and end dates, summary and link. After the slideshow is "full", the rest of the items will display as a list.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Static Content
- Slideshow result design for featured posts with feature image, and caption of title, attribution, date, summary, and link.
- Feature Slideshow Design for Static Content, with overflow list
- Slideshow result design for featured posts with feature image, and caption of title, attribution, date, summary, and link. After the slideshow is "full", the rest of the items will display as a list.
- Feed Result Design with Publish Date
- Feed Result Design with Start Date
- Large Captions Slideshow List Design for Promotions
- Index Design General
- Index results design with image, title, summary, and link.
- Index Design for Courses
- Index result design with image, title, start and end dates, status, summary and link.
- Index Design for Job Openings
- Index result design with image, title, start and end dates, status, job type and category, summary and link.
- Index Design for Posts, No Attribution
- Index result design with image, title, posted date, summary, and link.
- Index Design for Posts, with Attribution
- Index result design with image, title, attribution, publish date, summary, and link.
- Index Design for Profiles
- Index result design for Courses with photographic styling on image, profile name and title, and link.
- Index Design for Scheduled Events
- Index result design with image, title, start and end date, summary, and link.
- Index Design for Static Content
- Index results design with image, title, last modified date, summary, and link.
- Mobile Carousel Design with Summary
- Result design for carousels that displays image, title, summary, and link.
- Mobile Carousel Design without Summary
- Mobile design for carousels that displays image, title, and link.
- Mobile Slideshow Design for Promotions
- Slideshow Design for Promotions