Updating remote search service by using manual steps | HCL Digital Experience
If you originally installed the remote service by using manual steps, then you must use manual steps to upgrade it after you apply the Combined Cumulative Fix on the portal server.
Before you begin
Copy PseLibs.zip and depending on the requirements of your
environment, copy one of the two files WebScannerSoap.ear or
WebScannerEjbEar.ear to the directory
.You find these files in the following locations of your portal installation:- The files WebScannerSoap.ear and
WebScannerEjbEar.ear are in the directory
- The file PseLibs.zip is located under directory
- The files WebScannerSoap.ear and
WebScannerEjbEar.ear are in the directory
Depending on the requirements of your environment, update one of the two applications
WebScannerEJbEar.ear or WebScannerSoap.ear
on a remote server. For example, this can be server1.
Proceed by the following steps:
- Access the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
- Click .
- Depending upon what you originally installed, specify either PSEStandalone or WebScannerEar.
- Click Update.
- Specify the option to Replace the entire application.
- Browse and select WebScannerEjbEar.ear or WebScannerSoap.ear, depending on whether you are using EJB or web service through SOAP.
- Click Next.
- On the following panels, accept the default settings.
- A message confirms that the application PSEStandalone (for EJB) or the application WebScannerEar (for SOAP) was updated successfully.
- Click Save to Master Configuration.
- Click Save.
Extract the Portal Search libraries to the remote server and add them to the class path on the
remote server. To do this step, proceed as follows:
- Restart the WebSphere® Application Server.