Setting the search user ID | HCL Digital Experience
If you work with EJB on a secure server, you need to set the search user ID on the remote search server.
Before you begin
- Log in to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
- Click .
- In the Authentication section, click .
- Edit the SearchAdminUser alias.
- Update the user ID and/or password to match your HCL Digital Experience administrator information.
- If you are working in a clustered environment, you must
synchronize the nodes of your cluster. To synchronize the nodes of your cluster, complete
the following steps:
- Log on to the Deployment Manager.
- Go to .
- Select the nodes to synchronize from the list.
- Click Full Resynchronize.
- Restart the portal servers.
About this task
- Open the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
- Click .
- Locate the application PSEStandalone.
- Enter this application and click Security roles to user/group mapping.
- Select the role SearchUser and click Map users.
- On the portal that accesses the EJB, search for the user
ID that is set as the WebSphere® Application Server Admin User. For example, you can find this ID by using the
following procedure:
- Open the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
- Click .
- Determine the primary administrative user ID.
- To continue installing remote search service manually,
proceed by the following steps:
- Return to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console of the machine where the EJB is installed.
- Type the name that you found as the user ID in a previous step as the search string and click Search. As a result, the user ID and its configuration parameters are displayed in the Available box.
- Add this user ID to the Selected box by clicking the double-angled bracket > > button.
- Click OK to save your updates.
- Restart the WebSphere® Application Server on which the PSEStandalone is installed.