Managing deployment plans
You can change existing deployment plans and view current status from the deployment plan detail page.
About this task
The deployment plan detail page displays a list of tasks, properties, versions, and the change
history associated with the plan.
- Click Tasks to work with the tasks in the plan. You can add tasks, schedule tasks, skip a task, and reopen a completed task.
- Click the Properties to view properties and their value.
- Click the Versions to view versions.
- Click the Change history to view a list of the changes, revision number,
user who made the revision, and date. You can also restore a plan to a specific version by clicking
restore (
From this page you can modify and archive the plan, change the name of the plan, make a copy of
the plan, and create a template from the plan. Access these features from the overflow menu (
) at the top right corner of the page.

- Click Import tasks to incorporate tasks into the deployment plan from various file sources including spreadsheets, project management tools, or UrbanCode Release.
- Click Estimate task times for approximating task durations.
- Click Edit to modify the deployment plan. With this option, you can add events and tags to the release event.
- Click Copy to copy a deployment plan. A copy of the selected plan is added to the release.
- Click Copy as template to create a template based on this plan.
- Click Archive plan to remove the deployment plan from the release. Removed plans are not permanently deleted and can be added to another release.