Creating deployment plans
You can start with a blank plan that has no defined tasks, copy an existing plan, or start with a plan template. You can also auto-create them by assigning applications to pipelines. When you copy a plan or use a template, many tasks are already defined.
About this task
Complete the following steps to create a deployment plan:
- On the Releases Detail page, click Create Deployment Plan.
- On the Create Deployment Plan window, in the Deployment plan template list, specify the template that you want to base the plan on. The default value is None.
- In the Plan name field, enter the plan name.
- In the Description field, enter the description.
- In the Team list, select a team to manage the plan. All teams that you are a member of are available. Team members can modify the plan and manage tasks. The HCL™ Launch applications that are managed by the team in HCL™ Launch are available to assign to HCL™ Launch type tasks.
- To schedule a deployment for the plan, click Start time, and then select a date and time for the deployment. Scheduled deployments automatically start at the scheduled time if the plan contains eligible auto tasks. You can schedule a deployment for any future time.
- In the Tags list, select tags that you want to add to the plan.
Click Save. If you created the plan on a Release Detail page, the plan
is part of the selected release.
After you save the plan, click Edit to modify plan details.Note: You can create one deployment plan as a primary linked to many secondary deployment plans. Deployment is executed only from primary deployment plan.