Creating Ansible tasks
Create an Ansible® task.
Before you begin
In your Ansible® instance, create a user token. You use the token to authenticate your HCL™ Accelerate user to Ansible®.
About this task
Create an Ansible® task to manage Ansible® jobs.
To create an Ansible® task, complete the following steps:
On the Deployment plan detail page, click Create
If you want to insert a task at a specific position in the plan, select a task before using the Create Task. The new task is inserted above the selected task.
- On the Create Task dialog box, in the Type list, select Ansible.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the task.
- In the Description field, enter a name for the task.
- In the Instance URL field, enter the location of your Ansible® installation..
- In the Access Token field, paste the token that you generated in your Ansible® instance.
- In the Job ID field, enter the Ansible® job identification number..
- Optional:
In the Extra Variables box, enter any parameters that you want to pass
to the Ansible® job.
The parameter format is JSON. For example:
example,{ "environment": "DEV" }
Click Save.
The task is inserted into the deployment plan.