What's New
You can find information about the features introduced, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL DevOps Test Virtualization (Test Virtualization). You can also find the features that were introduced in earlier versions of Test Virtualization. DevOps Test Virtualization is the new name of HCL OneTest™ Virtualization from 11.0.0 onwards.
What's New in DevOps Test Virtualization 2024.12 (11.0.4)
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization.
Feature title | Description |
Enhanced Library Manager | Library Manager is enhanced with the latest configurations of WebSphere® MQ. You can now override the built-in version of WebSphere® MQ with your custom version. See WebSphere MQ software requirements. |
What's New in earlier versions
You can find information about the features introduced in earlier versions of Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization in the following sections.
What's New in 11.0.3
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization 11.0.3.
Feature title | Description |
Rollout of the new license and download portal |
HCL DevOps Test Integrations and APIs and HCL DevOps Test Virtualization licenses and downloads from version 11.0.3 onwards are now available on the My HCLSoftware (MHS) portal. MHS is a cloud-based web application designed to help you manage your software entitlements and licenses effectively and this portal replaces HCLSoftware License & Download Portal (FlexNet Operations Cloud). |
Enhanced the report generator |
You can now use the Result Publishers without enabling the Results database to generate a simple report with metrics. See Results publishers. |
Support for OpenAPI documents |
Synchronization with OpenAPI documents now supports version 3.1 of the specification. |
Support for DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel service shutdown |
DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel service definition now includes graceful shutdown when the Unix machine it is running on is stopped. |
Support for IP Address URLs in WebSphere Application Server |
JDBC Virtualization under WebSphere Application Server now supports URLs using IP addresses. |
What's New in 11.0.2
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization 11.0.2.
Feature title | Description |
Support for Java 11 and 17 in the Integration Tester Jenkins plugin |
The Integration Tester Jenkins plugin is now compatible with Java 11 and 17. |
What's New in 11.0.1
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization 11.0.1.
Feature title | Description |
Option to format JSON messages |
You can now format inline JSON data in received messages into a JSON format in the Field Editor when you edit a message in Test Integrations and APIs. |
Support to fetch specific result data from the results database |
You can now use the fetch-result command to fetch specific result data from the results database and present it in XML form. See Fetching specific results data by using the command line. |
License server details continue to work although not displayed |
The license server details are not displayed in the installation window when you use the stand-alone installer. The details are reused from the licensing environment variables and you can set the details to display correctly. The variables that you used earlier with the previous product names are still supported and will continue to work. |
What's New in 11.0.0
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization 11.0.0.
Feature title | Description |
Renaming of OneTest products |
The following OneTest products have new names
starting from 11.0.0:
Enhanced test execution to optionally direct traffic to a running stub |
Within the workbench, HTTP based tests can now be executed so that requests are made against a running stub. The running stub is selected from the potential stubs that are listed based on the routing rules, which are managed by Test Virtualization Control Panel and used by the proxy server. |
Support for ByteArray values in custom Kafka message headers |
You can now create custom headers in Kafka messages that use ByteArray values when you want to test a messaging application that uses a Kafka broker in Test Integrations and APIs. |
Support for Oracle wallet |
Database connections that use the Oracle driver now support the provision of credentials that are managed by using Oracle Wallet. |
Changes to the Licensing environment variables |
With the renaming of HCL OneTest Products to HCL DevOps Test Products in 11.0.0, the HCL Licensing environment variables that contained ONETEST are changed to be used without ONETEST. For example, the HCL_ONETEST_LICENSING_URL environment variable now must be called HCL_LICENSING_URL. Note that the old environment variable names are still supported. |
- For information about Test Hub, see DevOps Test Hub Documentation.
Tools page of HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel)
The list of agents changed for a release was updated. Review the Tools page of Test Virtualization Control Panel to see each tool and the version that it was last changed.
What's New in 10.5.4
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.5.4.
Feature title | Description |
Enhanced the stub details with the publisher details in the Environment dashboard |
The Details and Activity tabs of the stub instance in the Environment dashboard of HCL® Quality Server are enhanced to display the information about the latest version published such as the name of the user and the date and timestamp of publishing. See DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel: Modifying stub information. |
Enhanced the HCL OneTest™ API Agent engine logging |
The HCL OneTest™ API engine logging is enhanced by including an instance name of the engine that is displayed in HCL® Quality Server. Therefore, it is now easier for you to identify the log file of a particular stub to view details and troubleshoot issues. See Working with DevOps Test Integrations and APIs Agent logs. |
What's New in 10.5.3
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.5.3.
Feature title | Description |
Testing of databases that are in a Kubernetes cluster |
HCL OneTest™ API now supports testing of databases that are in a Kubernetes cluster when the databases are not exposed externally through an ingress gateway. You can configure a physical connection to the Kubernetes cluster and then create a physical connection with the database that is in the cluster. You can then create tests or stubs to test the database. |
Support for Revenera 2022.12 |
With Revenera 2018.02 (LLS 1.0) reaching EOS, you can now use Revenera 2022.12 (LLS 3.0) as a local license server to host licenses for HCL OneTest™ API or HCL OneTest™ Virtualization. |
Support for the Apache Kafka OAUTHBEARER framework |
You can now use the OAUTHBEARER framework to authenticate with the Kafka broker. |
Support to include null values for missing fields in messages with repeating elements |
HCL OneTest™ API now stores null values for the missing fields in messages with repeating elements. The null values are added to a list tag. The null values are stored in list tags only when the field is marked as optional. Message processing by using filters is not affected by this change. To disable the new behavior you must add the following system
property to the IntegrationTester.ini
Support to create a single integration test from multiple operations |
HCL OneTest™ API now supports the creation of a single integration test from recorded events that are under multiple operations. |
Support for accessing console errors as tags in tests and stubs |
When you want to access the errors reported in tests, as inputs in other test or stub steps, you can now use the built-in tags ERRORS or LATEST_ERROR, for all errors or the latest error reported. For example, if the send request action fails because the target is not available, the error message is now captured and you can use the tag value in a subsequent test action, test, or stub to take a different course of action. |
What's New in 10.5.2
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.5.2.
Feature title | Description |
Importing and creating test resources from external recorded events |
You can now import events that are recorded in external applications and saved as an HTTP archive file into the Recording Studio. After you import events, you can create tests or stubs and run them in HCL OneTest™ API. |
Automatic detection of encoding settings |
A new option to control whether to automatically determine the encoding settings from the binary content in fields is now available as a preference setting. You can change the preference setting from or .See Changing preferences. |
Configuring agents to start stubs in a specific domain |
You can now configure HCL OneTest™ API agents to start stubs that are in a specific domain or an environment. See Creating domains with DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel method and Viewing running agents. |
What's New in 10.5.1
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.5.1.
Feature title | Description |
Testing of internal Kubernetes services |
HCL OneTest™ API now supports testing of the internal services in a Kubernetes cluster when those services are not exposed externally through an ingress gateway. You can configure the physical connection to the Kubernetes cluster and then synchronize the application resources that run the internal services to create tests and stubs in HCL OneTest™ API. |
Enhanced the connection resilience for an IBM® WebSphere® MQ transport |
The connection resilience is enhanced so that you can now configure the connection resilience in an WebSphere® MQ transport to treat MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED errors in the same way as errors that indicate a problem with the MQ connection. |
Enhanced JSONPath and XPATH field actions |
The JSONPath and XPATH field actions are enhanced to allow more fine-grained control when you work with repeating elements. You can now extract the entire set of repeating data or extract any specific individual element. |
Enhanced stub editor |
The stub editor is enhanced such that when you edit the content of a database stub, the internal datatypes of the columns are now shown in the headers. You can understand the limitations that apply to the content. |
Sample program to list the state of stubs in HCL® Quality Server |
A sample program is now provided that demonstrates the usage of server REST APIs to enumerate domains, environments, and stubs to list out their current status. You can use the example program as the base when you want to implement non UI-based services such as alerts when stubs move into a broken state. |
Option to stop stubs that are running in HCL® Quality Server |
When you want to delete a project from the HCL® Quality Server administration page, you can now specify if you want to stop all stubs that are running within the project. |
What's New in 10.5.0
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.5.0.
Feature title | Description |
Removed installation of the WINPCAP feature when using IBM® Installation Manager or stand-alone installer |
The WINPCAP feature that you installed by using IBM® Installation Manager or stand-alone installer in earlier releases is now removed as an installable feature. If you intend to use the packet capture feature in HCL OneTest™ API 10.5 or later, you can install the Win10PCAP feature from the website (https://www.win10pcap.org/). |
Support for creating stub populated with data |
You can now create a stub based on the structure of the schema that is defined for the operation and have response payload populated with data. |
Support to run tests or resources as a GitHub Action |
You can now run tests or resources that are contained in your project in HCL OneTest™ API as a GitHub Action from a Git repository. |
Support for additional parameters in Kafka and Mongo transport configuration |
You can now provide additional parameters when you configure and use either the Kafka or MongoDB transports in HCL OneTest™ API. |
Synchronizing project resources in the results database |
You can now configure an option to automatically synchronize the details in the results database of the tests, suites, or stubs that were run whenever these project resources are moved or renamed. You can also manually synchronize the details in the results
database with details in the project by using the command
Note: This mainly affects
navigation; data that is used to generate reports might
still use the resource names as they were at test run
time. |
Enhanced SQL Query Action |
When editing an SQL Query Action in HCL OneTest™ API, the test feature limits the number of fetched results from the server with a default value of 100 records that you can change. This enhancement aims to reduce processing of unwanted records from a poorly defined query. However, you can modify the number of records to process in the SQL Action UI based on the expected number of records in the database. Entering a value of 0 will enable HCL OneTest™ API to display all records in the database. |
Details of memory usage by an engine |
You can now view details of the memory used by an engine on the Infrastructure dashboard in HCL® Quality Server. |
Option to include optional fields in data-driven tests |
An option to include the optional fields is now provided when you want to create data-driven tests under an operation in HCL OneTest™ API. |
Git folders in imported or exported files are ignored |
When you import or export resources from a projects including a .git folder HCL OneTest™ API now ignores any file present from the .git folder. |
Support to save test report as a JUnit report |
When you configure a run of the HCL OneTest API Task that you want to run as a job in the Azure DevOps pipeline, you can now configure the location on your computer where the JUnit report of the test can be saved. |
Support for managing credentials |
If you have external resources that must be accessed by project or test resources in HCL OneTest™ API and you do not want to expose the credentials used to access the external resources, then you can implement user defined access to a credential management system. |
What's New in 10.2.3
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.2.3.
Feature title | Description |
Rolling back of HCL® Quality Server is not supported |
Previously, IBM® Installation Manager allowed you to rollback HCL® Quality Server. The rolled back version was unable to be started because the workspace was from a later version. Rolling back HCL® Quality Server is now not supported by Installation Manager. |
H2 Database upgrade |
The version of H2 database that HCL® Quality Server used for storing Virtual Service, Scheduling and optionally metrics data was updated. When you install or upgrade HCL® Quality Server against an existing workspace, you can expect a longer duration for the operation and are informed about the migration of existing resources to the new database format. The location of the migrated resources is also indicated by the installer. |
Integration with HCL® AppScan |
You can now run HCL OneTest™ API so that HTTP traffic is consumed by HCL® AppScan enabling scanning for security vulnerabilities. |
Support for Apache Camel 3.x |
Support is now enabled for Camel 3.x transports that replaces the previously supported Camel 2.x transports. You can now test the technologies that are supported by Camel versions up to and including 3.14.x. |
Default isolation level of a Apache Kafka consumer is changed |
The default isolation level for messages that are read by a
Kafka consumer in HCL OneTest™ API
is set to read committed messages. If you want to change the
default level so that the consumer reads the uncommitted
messages, you must set the
Support for using secured Active Directory |
Previously, when you used Active Directory as the Authorization Realm for a project, you were able to create an unsecured connection. You can now create a secured connection with Active Directory by using the SSL option. You can opt to trust a specific certificate, or all the certificates that are presented by the Active Directory Domain Controller. |
Support to create test data as a CSV file |
Previously, you were able to create test data by using tags in tests as an Excel spreadsheet. You can now create test data from tests as a CSV file. |
Added REST APIs for scheduled tests |
REST APIs are added that enable you to work with scheduled tests on operations such as list the scheduled tests, run scheduled tests, modify or delete a scheduled test. For details see the Swagger documentation accessible from the HCL® Quality Server URL. |
Improved the logging when results database is not available |
When you open a project that has a results database configured, and the results database is unavailable, a stack trace is no longer displayed in the log. |
Improved logging of test actions |
Previously, the output of test actions, including those from scheduled tests, were included in both results and the application log files making reading of the agent logs tedious. HCL OneTest™ API Agent is enhanced to separate the logging for test actions and the logs are now only to be found in the results and the engine logs. |
Enhanced column width to auto-adjust in the SQL Query action definition dialog box |
Previously, when you built the actions for the query results in the Store or Assert tab of the SQL Query action definition dialog box, the column names were restricted to a fixed column width. Now, HCL OneTest™ API is enhanced to adjust the column width to match the characters in the column name, which lets you view the complete column name. |
Viewing test run results on the Azure test plans dashboard |
When you use the HCL OneTest™ API Azure extension in Azure pipelines to run tests on HCL OneTest™ API, you can view the test results on the Jobs page. If you want to view the results of the test runs on the test plans dashboard, you must set up test plans with test cases for your project in Azure. You must also provide details about the Azure server, your personal access token, the Azure project, the test case, and the test plan while you configure the test run for the test results to display on the test plans dashboard. |
What's New in 10.2.2
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.2.2.
Feature title | Description |
Recording and stubbing calls to Db2 on z/OS without configuring the Profile Service |
You can now record and stub calls made from batch jobs to Db2 on z/OS without configuring the Profile Service. |
Configuring the log levels of Test Suites |
You can now configure the level of information in messages in tests contained in a Test Suite that are to be written to the results database. You can select only the summary information about the messages to be written or select the details about the messages to be written to the results database that include information in the headers and body of the messages. |
Support for running multiple CTG/DPL-based stubs |
When you want to run multiple stubs, you can now specify the port and bind address to be used for CICS Transaction Gateway and Distributed Program Link stubs within the physical resource definition. |
Specifying a project to delete results in the results database from the command line |
You can now specify a project as an option in the command line to delete the results of tests in a project that are stored in the results database configured for that project. |
Enhanced Jenkins plugins to run tests from a Jenkins pipeline project |
The HCL OneTest™ API Jenkins plugins are enhanced so that you can now run tests as a job in a Jenkins Pipeline project. You can also view the test results by using the Test Results Analyzer feature in Jenkins if you have installed the Test Results Analyzer plugin in Jenkins. |
Setting the timeout for IMS Connect virtual service connections |
You can now set the time after which the connections to the IMS Connect virtual services are disconnected when the connections are idle or are not used. |
The MQTT transport is enhanced |
The limitation that existed in earlier versions of the specification which prevented the use of client IDs with more than 23 characters is removed in 10.2.2. |
HTTP tests automatically decompress data |
HTTP tests now automatically decompress data that were compressed by using the Brotli encoding format. |
What's New in 10.2.1
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.2.1.
Feature title | Description |
Tools page |
The list of agents changed for a release was updated. Review the Tools page of HCL® Quality Server to see each tool and the version that it was last changed. |
The latest version of the agents is displayed |
The IBM® WebSphere® MQ agent for IBM® z/OS® and IBM® CICS DPL agent now display the latest version when they are started. The latest MQ agent and CICS DPL agent have the same functions as the previous version of agents. Therefore, you need not upgrade them to the latest agent versions. |
Scheduled tests are visible to all logged users on HCL® Quality Server |
Previously, when you scheduled a test run that runs on HCL® Quality Server, the domain-level security was not applied to the scheduled tests that resulted in the test being visible to all users logged on to HCL® Quality Server. This continues to be the behavior as the domain-level security cannot be applied for scheduled test runs. However, when you schedule a test run in HCL OneTest™ API, the UI indicates that the scheduled test will be visible to all users logged on to HCL® Quality Server. |
Changing log levels of stubs without an auto restart |
Previously, when you changed the logging level of a stub that was running, the stub automatically restarted for the changes to take effect. At times, the auto restart of the stubs might have caused disruptions in your testing cycles. The behavior of the running stubs is enhanced, and now when you change the log levels of a running stub, the changes are applied without an auto restart of the stub. |
Examples in Swagger UI |
Examples provided in the HCL® Quality Server Swagger UI are for guidance only. You must use the response data received as input to subsequent calls. The Swagger API Documentation is updated for such usage in certain API calls. |
Overriding results database |
When you want to run tests from the command line, you can now provide the URL, user name, password, and the database driver as arguments to override the Results Database that is configured in the project. You can optionally use an encrypted password that is generated by using the EncryptPassword application that is in the installation directory of HCL OneTest™ API. |
Viewing progress of results deletion |
Previously, when you used the command line to delete results in a results database, you were not able to ascertain the progress nor the number of records that were being deleted. Now, you can view the progress of results deletion in a progress bar when you use the delete all results command. When you use the delete all results keeping <argument> command, you can view the number of records being deleted along with the progress in a progress bar. |
Recording SAP Hana S4 IDocs |
You can now record SAP Hana S/4 IDocs by using the HCL OneTest™ API ABAP plugin. |
Support for IPIC and DPL |
HCL OneTest™ API now supports IPIC and DPL with CICS Transaction Server 5.6. |
Support for symmetric and asymmetric key-based signature algorithms in SOAP requests |
You can now use any of the supported HMAC symmetric or asymmetric signature algorithms to sign certificates that you want to use in SOAP requests. The supported symmetric signature algorithms are as
The supported asymmetric signature algorithms are as
Adding multiple child nodes to the query or mutation GraphQL document node |
Previously, you were able to add only one query or mutation node as a child to a GraphQL query or mutation document node. Now, you can add multiple query or mutation nodes as children to a GraphQL query or mutation document node. |
Working with DFDL-based messages is improved |
Previously, when you worked with messages that were based on a DFDL schema, empty fields prevented the message from being collapsed. Now, HCL OneTest™ API
is enhanced to correctly manage the DFDL based messages as
Sending an error response by stubs |
When you use the Message Case in a Message Switch action to receive messages in a stub, you can now select the Send Error Response option to force the stub to send a response if the incoming message fails the validation that is set. The validation points are set in the Assert tab of the Message Case action configured in the stub. |
Support for MQ 9.2 |
The HCL OneTest™ API API agent for MQ (z/OS) now supports MQ 9.2. |
What's New in 10.2.0
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.2.0.
Feature title | Description |
The latest version of the agents is displayed |
The IBM® WebSphere® MQ agent for IBM® z/OS® and IBM® CICS DPL agent now display the latest version when they are started. The latest MQ agent and CICS DPL agent have the same functions as the previous version of agents. Therefore, you need not upgrade them to the latest agent versions. |
New licensing option to install HCL OneTest™ API Agent |
When you are installing HCL OneTest™ API Agent, a new option is available to install the agent so that it uses concurrent virtual service licensing. |
Notification about versions released |
When you open HCL OneTest™ API 10.1.3 or later, a notification is displayed about the released version after a later version is released. |
Support for creating data-driven tests |
Previously, you created multiple tests with the same test structure for varying test data that were based on the MEP configured for an operation. Now, you can use the Fixed option during the test creation to create different tests for each of the variable test data. You can now use the Data Driven option to create
multiple data-driven tests that depend on the structure of
the schema that is defined for the messages and the content
combinations that you specify with either of the following
Also, the text in UI options to create a single test and multiple tests are now truncated with the text using MEP removed from the options. |
Automatic creation of a physical resource when a logical resource is created |
HCL OneTest™ API now has a default preference enabled to create a physical resource automatically when you create a logical resource. When this preference is disabled, HCL OneTest™ API creates a physical resource only if there is no other physical resource of the same type as the logical resource that you create. |
Added the Authentication tab for configuring HTTP transports |
You can now configure the authentication options for HTTP transports or physical web servers by using the Authentication tab in the transport settings UI. The OAuth2 authentication is also included in this tab. The Experimental tab that existed in previous versions, which provided the OAuth2/OpenID authentication option, is now removed. |
Specifying ephemeral port overrides in the RunTests command |
When you use the RunTests command, you can now specify the ephemeral ports as an option so that when a stub is started, which uses a transport that opens a server socket unless explicitly overridden with the ports specified. |
Changes to the Maximum Optional Fields option limit for messages |
Previously, the Maximum Optional Fields limit that you set for messages in the project preferences was also applied to the number of optional nodes that was displayed for a schema in the Schema Library view. This behavior is changed. The maximum number of optional nodes that are displayed in the Schema Library view is now limited to 500 and cannot be changed. The limit that is set as the project preferences is applied to other areas such as in the Schema Selector menu. |
Introducing the licensing identifier environment variable |
When you want to run stubs in Docker containers, you can now specify a licensing identifier environment variable. The identifier helps you to identify the consumption of licenses when reviewed in the licensing server. |
Db2 z/OS stubs display warnings |
Db2 z/OS stubs now display warnings when they encounter unsupported cursor types. |
What's New in 10.1.3
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.1.3.
Feature title | Description |
The latest version of the agents is displayed |
The IBM WebSphere MQ agent for z/OS and IBM CICS DPL agent now display the latest version when they are started. The latest MQ agent and CICS DPL agent have the same functions as the previous version of agents. Therefore, you need not upgrade them to the latest agent versions. |
Enhanced performance of HCL® Quality Server |
Previously, when you published stubs to HCL® Quality Server that contained the git directories in a compressed folder, the performance of HCL® Quality Server was affected. Now, the git directories are not included in the compressed folder when you publish stubs and thus the performance of HCL® Quality Server is enhanced. |
Recording the Istio traffic on HCL OneTest™ Server |
You can use a sample application that is in the same cluster as HCL OneTest™ Server to record the HTTP traffic through the Istio service mesh to and from the sample application. Recording the Istio traffic in HCL OneTest™ API is a Tech Preview feature. To achieve the recording of the Istio traffic, you must install HCL OneTest™ Server by using the demo configuration, and then install the Bookinfo application in a namespace called bookinfo on the same Kubernetes cluster as HCL OneTest™ Server. You must configure a physical web server in HCL OneTest™ API that enables you to record the requests from and to the service that are generated when the Bookinfo application is run. You can then create stubs from these recorded events in HCL OneTest™ API and then run the stubs as virtual services on HCL OneTest™ Server instead of the actual service. |
Support for GraphQL schemas, queries, or mutations |
HCL OneTest™ API now supports GraphQL schemas to be used in GraphQL queries or mutations in messages. You can either use the predefined GraphQL schemas or add custom-defined GraphQL schemas to messages. You can build GraphQL queries or GraphQL mutations in messages based on the GraphQL schema that you add from the Schema Library view. You can also paste the GraphQL queries or mutations into the message editor and the schema is recognized by HCL OneTest™ API as a GraphQL schema. You can send GraphQL messages either as Query Parameters without a message body or messages that have either a JSON body or a GraphQL body. You can also perform negative testing when you have an externally defined schema. |
Support for JSONPath expressions |
JSONPath is a query language for JSON. Similar to XPath for XML, a JSONPath expression specifies a path to an element which can be stored for subsequent usage or validated. You can now use JSONPath expressions within a Store action, Validate action, or the legacy/ECMAScript built-in function to query the JSON data. You can also use the option to generate JSONPath actions when treating a JSON node as plain text. |
Support for synchronizing HCL OneTest™ API with a stand-alone integration server |
Previously, you were able to synchronize the resources on integration servers that were connected to IBM® App Connect Enterprise integration nodes from HCL OneTest™ API. Now, you can connect HCL OneTest™ API directly to a stand-alone integration server and synchronize the resources by using the synchronization feature. |
Support for IBM® Engineering Test Management |
IBM® Rational® Quality Manager V7 is now referred as IBM® Engineering Test Management. HCL OneTest™ API is enhanced to support IBM® Engineering Test Management V7. |
Enhanced the method for obtaining an OpenID Connect refresh token |
Previously, you manually configured an OpenID Connect refresh token for an HTTP transport, which the transport used to obtain an access token at test runtime. Now, you can use an authorization server to obtain the refresh token, the generated token is received by a configurable local URI and added to the transport. |
Enhanced features in SOAP messages |
You can now sign, encrypt, and decrypt the individual fields in a SOAP message body by using the Web Service-Security feature in HCL OneTest™ API. |
Changes to the Maximum Optional Fields option limit for messages |
Previously, the Maximum Optional Fields limit that you set for messages in the project preferences was also applied to the number of optional nodes displayed for a schema in the Schema Library view. This behavior is changed. The maximum number of optional nodes that are displayed in the Schema Library view is now limited to 500 and cannot be changed. The limit that is set as the project preferences is applied to other areas such as in the Schema Selector menu. |
Root resource path configuration support for an HTTP transport is optionally reinstated |
Although the root resource path configuration for an HTTP
transport was deprecated in HCL OneTest™ API
V8.7.1 and removed in V9.5, the support for this
configuration is reinstated from V10.1.3. Support in a
limited capacity is now enabled for legacy projects with
existing transports that use this feature. To enable, use
the following in the JVM Arguments section of Library
-Dhttp.reenable.deprecated.rootresourcepath.processing=true The same limitations that led to the deprecation and ultimate removal of the feature still apply. The configuration can be seen in the transport panel but cannot be edited in transports where this configuration was used. |
Proxy support for the file transport |
You can now configure a proxy server for the file transport in HCL OneTest™ API for both FTP and SFTP protocols. You can configure the proxy type that supports either an HTTP or SOCKS protocol. |
Enhanced display of field editor names |
You can now use a new line character in field editor names so that the text is displayed in different lines. |
Db2 z/OS stubs display warnings |
Db2 z/OS stubs now display warnings when they encounter unsupported cursor types. The Db2 z/OS pass-through enabled stubs now pass though Db2 SET commands that update the host program variables. |
Starting of multiple engines on HCL OneTest™ API Agent |
You can now configure the starting-up of multiple engines that are set up on HCL OneTest™ API Agent. If you do not change the configuration in the Agent.config file, the default configuration is applied. A total of 10 concurrent engines can be started within 60 seconds of the start of the first engine. |
What's New in 10.1.2
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.1.2.
Feature title | Description |
Changes to the creation of a default domain during the installation of HCL® Quality Server |
Previously, when you installed HCL® Quality Server by using IBM Installation Manager, a domain with the name Default was created, which was incorrect. Installation Manager now does not create the default domain when you install HCL® Quality Server. The server administrator of HCL® Quality Server can create and configure the required domains from the server interface. |
Support for enabling the Network Packet Capture feature during or after installation |
Previously, when you installed HCL OneTest™ API on Windows, the Network Packet Capture feature was automatically selected as a default option. Now, by default, the Network Packet Capture feature is not installed when you install HCL OneTest™ API on Windows. You can enable this feature either during installation or any time after installation by using the Modify option in Installation Manager. |
New command options for specifying path and type of test assets |
Previously, if the path that you specified in the -run command was ambiguous and referenced multiple test assets, none of those assets were run. Now, with the introduction of the command options -runPath and -runType, you can use these options to run all the test assets of the specified type that are in the specified path in combination with or without the -run command option. |
Adding of SWIFT Schemas |
Previously, you used the SWIFT schemas that were provided by HCL OneTest™ API and applied them to SWIFT messages. Now, you can use one of more versions of SWIFT schemas after you download the schemas from the SWIFT website to apply to SWIFT messages. |
Enhanced support while adding a schema |
HCL OneTest™ API is enhanced to support a wider range of schema file extensions. When you want to add a schema from the Schema Library View without specifying the schema type, you now have the option to select the applicable schema if a file extension applies to multiple schemas. |
Recording Istio traffic by using Istio 1.6 |
Istio service virtualization via Istio is now supported on Istio Service Mesh 1.6. |
Display of results in IBM® Rational® Quality Manager |
The performance of tests that are executed from IBM® Rational® Quality Manager is improved by the elimination of logging less important parts of the console output when the test is run. The entire console output can be viewed from the link in the results. Also, when you ran test suites previously that contained tests that ran in parallel, the results were not displayed correctly inIBM® Rational® Quality Manager. This problem is resolved. |
Support for use of certificates without CA |
The HTTP Proxy of HCL OneTest™ API no longer requires that the certificate used for signing as part of SSL termination carry the attribute basicConstraint ca=true. However, you must configure client applications appropriately to trust the generated certificates that do not set the CA as the basic constraint. Additionally, the proxy now directly utilizes any key pairs that exist in the store where the certificate lists the target endpoint in either the CN or SubjectAlternateName fields. |
Logging of stub metrics |
It is now possible to configure agent logging to provide
metrics regarding stub execution performance. To do this,
you must edit the agent-logging.properties file and add the
com.ghc.ghTester.runtime.actions.StubStarterAction.level = FINEIf you have previously modified the properties, ensure that the handlers to which engine messages are written can log FINE messages. By default, only a file handler is configured and has the following setting, which meets this requirement: engine.java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = FINEST Note that it is not necessary to restart the agent for this configuration to be picked up, but it does not affect engines that are already running stubs. With this configuration in place, metrics are recorded in the engine log after each event is handled. |
Display of the correct version when IBM® WebSphere® MQ exit starts |
The IBM® WebSphere® MQ exit for z/OS and the IBM CICS DPL exit now displays the latest version when it is started. The latest MQ exit version has the same functions as the previous exit. Therefore, you need not upgrade it to the latest exit version. |
What's New in 10.1.1
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.1.1.
Feature title | Description |
Stopping stubs when the engine is stopped |
You can now stop stubs that are running on an engine in HCL® Quality Server when you stop the engine to prevent an autorestart of the stubs after the engine is stopped. |
Enhanced display of engine details |
The display of the engine summary details is enhanced so that you can view the details of each engine that is running on HCL® Quality Server from the Engines tab in the Infrastructure Dashboard without opening the engine cards. The Domain, Environment, Identifier, Process ID, and Number of stubs are displayed in sequence for each engine. However, you can find more details about the engine when you expand the engine cards. |
Testing with Db2 on z/OS systems |
With the Integration Tester Agent for z/OS, you can now record and virtualize MVS batch and CICS COBOL, PL/I or Db2 programs on z/OS with HCL OneTest™ API. The Integration Tester Agent is dependent on IBM Debugger for z/OS. |
Supported CICS versions |
You can now record and virtualize CICS® Distributed Program Link (DPL) calls with CICS Transaction Server up to version 5.5. |
Timing-out the Run Command test step |
When you configure the Run Command action in a test, you can now configure a Timeout, which is the period that is allowed for the commands to complete after which the command run is stopped. This option is enabled when the Wait for command execution to finish check box is selected. |
Using custom certificates designated as Certificate Authority |
Previously, you could override the signing certificate that was deployed with HCL OneTest™ API HTTP/TCP proxy with any custom certificate. If the certificate was not designated as a Certificate Authority (CA) entity through the Basic Constraints certificate extension, you could start the HTTP/TCP proxy but client applications would usually abort the SSL connection. Also, the HTTP/TCP proxy did not display any error nor was the cause was identifiable. Now, you must use a certificate that is designated as a CA entity through the Basic Constraint certificate extension. Also, the HTTP/TCP proxy shuts down and logs an error if you attempt to start the proxy with any certificate that is not designated as a Certificate Authority. |
Enhanced option in a File Subscribe action |
Previously, you could browse and select the required text file and complete the File Name Pattern Override field in a publish-based action. For a subscribe-based action, you had to select the required text file by using the root directory. There was no option available to directly browse and select the required text file. As a result, it was difficult to select the correct path of the required text file. Now, the Browse option is also enabled for a subscribe-based action. You can directly browse and select the required text file with any associated tags and complete the File Name Pattern Override field in a subscribe-based action. |
Enhanced Encryption and Signature algorithms fields |
When you configure the outbound MIME messages to enable encryption or add digital signatures, you can now enter the Algorithm standard that you want to use instead of selecting it from the list. You can enter the name of the Algorithm in the fields, and a warning is displayed if the entered value does not match the name in the list. |
Recording Istio traffic by using the service FQDN |
You can now use the fully qualified domain name of a service in a Kubernetes cluster as the HTTP host when you record HTTP traffic in Istio. |
Normalizing new line characters in SWIFT messages |
When you either apply or edit messages that are based on the SWIFT schema, you can now opt to normalize the new line characters in the messages. When the new line characters are normalized, the CRLF characters are included in all lines in the messages. You can also set the preference to enable the normalization as a default setting. |
Warning when performing a project refresh |
Previously, when you used the menu option to refresh a project, HCL OneTest™ API discarded all your unsaved changes without any warning and refreshed the project in all open editors. Now, HCL OneTest™ API alerts you by displaying a warning when you click Project > Refresh, if there are unsaved changes in any of the open editors. You can opt to save all, part, or none of the changed work in open editors before refreshing the state of your project. |
Sending message body in a GET request |
When you test an HTTP transport in HCL OneTest™ API by using the Publish action and you select the GET method, the message body is now sent as part of the request if one is specified. |
JDK 11 support for the Java virtualization agent |
The Java virtualization agent is enhanced to support use in applications that run on OpenJDK 11. |
Removed the default port for the CentaSite server |
The default port that was preset to connect to the Software AG CentraSite server in HCL OneTest™ API is now removed and you must enter the port that you configured for the CentraSite server to allow HCL OneTest™ API to connect. |
What's New in 10.1.0
The following section lists the features, enhancements, or other changes made in HCL OneTest™ API and HCL OneTest™ Virtualization 10.1.0.
Feature title | Description |
IBM WebSphere MQ exit |
The IBM® WebSphere® MQ exit for z/OS and the IBM CICS DPL exit now display the latest version when starting. These newer exits function the same as the previous exit, and there is no need to upgrade to the newer exits. |
MQ transports |
MQ transports can now be configured to specify the model queue used when issuing MQ programmable command format (PCF) commands. |
Support for IBM® App Connect Enterprise V11.0 |
HCL OneTest™ API is enabled to support the synchronization of resources that are created on the Integration Node of IBM® App Connect Enterprise V11.0 formerly known as IBM® Integration Bus in its released versions: V9.0 and V10.0. Each supported node that exposes a service endpoint or that consumes another service endpoint is mapped to an operation in the logical model of your HCL OneTest™ API project. You can create tests and stubs for the Integration Node resources and run them in HCL OneTest™ API. You can now configure the secured communications between the Integration Node and HCL OneTest™ API when you create the connection to the Integration Node in IBM® App Connect Enterprise (V11.0) or IBM® Integration Bus (V10.0). |
Enhanced filtering capabilities for IMS Connect transactions |
The IMS Connect stubbing and routing rules are enhanced in their filtering capabilities to include the values specified for Message-Type, Client ID, Datastore, and Transaction Code settings. Therefore, a more fine-grained selection of events is now possible in the stubbing and routing rules. This enhancement might affect the existing stubs and operations when deployed in 10.1.0 to capture fewer messages than in the previous versions. When recording or stubbing with IMS, the Network page in HCL® Quality Server displays the Message-Type, Datastore, Client ID, and Transaction Code in the Target field that enables you to locate specific monitors and rules. |
Support for IBM® WebSphere® MQ |
Support for IBM® WebSphere® MQ V7.x is deprecated. Support now includes V8.x through V9.x. |
Selecting the pattern for topics to record traffic in Kafka |
The selection of multiple topics to record from the Recording Studio tab for a logical Kafka Connection is changed. You can now enter each topic on a separate line, use wildcards, or patterns to specify the topics to record. |
Recording Istio traffic |
It is now possible to record the HTTP traffic within an Istio service mesh in a Kubernetes cluster. HTTP requests between the services in the service mesh and HTTP requests received and sent from the Istio service mesh can be recorded from HCL OneTest™ API. |
Database drivers |
Database drivers that you added to the Library Manager are now displayed while configuring a database connection. |
RQM Agent as a Windows service |
Now, if you have installed only HCL OneTest™ API, you can configure the RQM Agent as a Windows service. |
HTTPS proxy port 3129 is deprecated |
Previously, you could send the HTTPS traffic to the HTTP/TCP proxy server by using the port 3129 and the HTTP traffic by using the port 3128. The port 3129 is now deprecated. The port 3128 that earlier allowed both the HTTP and HTTPS traffic is retained as the only port for both the HTTP and HTTPS traffic. The https-proxy element in the registration.xml that was used for the HTTPS and SSL-based forwarding rules for transports such as TCP, IMS, IPIC, MQTT, or KAFKA, is now renamed to ssl-settings. The addNumbers example that is packaged with HCL OneTest™ API is now configured to use port 3128 for both HTTP and HTTPS traffic. |
Enhanced messaging actions for the Email transport |
You can now create tests that use the Request/Reply action when testing with the email transport. You can also configure the SMTP and IMAP mail servers for the email resources. The email transport is enhanced to support secure communications between HCL OneTest™ API and the mail servers. |
Support for testing with Apache Camel components |
You can now test the technologies that are supported by Camel V2.24.3 in HCL OneTest™ API. You must add the JAR files for the Camel component and dependent libraries to Library Manager so that HCL OneTest™ API can access that technology. You can then configure the endpoints provided by the Camel component that are in your test environment as a physical resource in the HCL OneTest™ API project. You can create tests and stubs to test and virtualize the services provided by the Camel component in HCL OneTest™ API. |
IATA formatter |
The IATA formatter was deprecated and no longer appears when you create messaging actions. Existing formatters remain. |
HCL OneTest™ API integration with Azure DevOps |
You can now integrate HCL OneTest™ API with Azure DevOps by using the HCL OneTest™ Studio extension to run tests as tasks in Azure DevOps pipelines. |