Known issues

You can find the known issues that are identified, if any, in this version of HCL DevOps Test Virtualization (Test Virtualization). You can also find the known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Virtualization. DevOps Test Virtualization is the new name of HCL OneTest Virtualization from 11.0.0 onwards.

Known issues in DevOps Test Virtualization 2024.12 (11.0.4)

No known issues are identified in DevOps Test Virtualization 2024.12 (11.0.4).

Known issues from earlier versions

The known issues identified in the earlier versions of Test Integrations and APIs and Test Virtualization that are still applicable are as follows:

Table 1. Known issues from earlier versions
ID Description Identified in version Applicable in and until version


The Integration Tester-based Maven goals are only supported in the Java 8-based environment.



The Flatten XML option in the Field Editor sometimes does not flatten the XML contents.



When installing a version of the HTTP Proxy or Agent older than 11.0 and registering against a version 11 of Test Virtualization Control Panel then registration will fail with a NOTSSUP error as it is unable to generate a persistent token.

If a token is required, this must be manually generated through the user interface and then used in the configuration file.



When you use the HCL® Quality Server Environments dashboard, if a stub is republished while it is in a Stopped state, no entry is made in the Activity log to indicate that a republish occurred.



After you upgrade to HCL OneTest API 10.5.1, the topology discovery might fail with the following error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory
To work around the problem, you must restart HCL OneTest API by using the -clean argument.



You might see an exception thrown when you stop a stub for a Kafka transport from a command line, this can be ignored.



When you use the Java Agent HTTP inject proxy method to record the HTTP traffic, you might notice that HCL OneTest API does not record all events.

The workaround to enable HCL OneTest API to record all events is to not use the / in the resource path that you specify for the transport.



When you change the options for formatting or encoding an XML message by using the Field Properties dialog box for an operation, the changes will not be saved.



When you configure the security settings for HCL® Quality Server and use LDAP, you can test the validity of the user by using the Test Logon button. An error Authentication was rejected for an unknown reason is displayed for both valid and invalid users. This error can be ignored.



In HCL OneTest API, Project Settings can be slow to load when HCL® Quality Server cannot be contacted. The editing of the Server Settings HCL® Quality Server URL can be slow to respond as HCL OneTest API attempts to connect by using the partially entered URL.



In HCL OneTest API, when you resynchronize using a swagger definition that contains operations, which specify an operationId field and the operations have a different parent path than the path used during the previous synchronization, then the existing HCL OneTest API Operation resource in Architecture School is not moved to reflect the new path.



In HCL OneTest API, after resynchronizing with a swagger definition or other sources of JSON Schemas, where the root of a message schema has changed from JSON Object to JSON Array or vice versa, the Overwrite Expected Message repair action and Overwrite Expected Field repair action, when used on the expanded root message node, will not produce an expected message that will pass validation.

To work around this problem, you must reapply the correct updated schema root to the expanded root of the message.



In HCL OneTest API, when an XSD imports a namespace without a prefix assigned to the imported namespace, it is possible that the default message created by using that schema will use the same prefix as another namespace in the schema that can result in incorrect QNames for elements and types.

To work around this issue, you can either add a namespace declaration for the imported schema to the XSD/WSDL or add a child xmlns:<prefix> attribute to the appropriate element node when you edit the message.



JMS-based transports support three different methods of correlating replies to requests. The Use JMSMessageID mapped to JMSCorrelationID to match responses to requests setting does not work reliably with Topics. Instead, you can consider using Queues for request/reply messaging. If you must use Topics, either of the other two settings will work reliably.



The recent level of the Db2 JDBC driver that is included with HCL OneTest API causes the following message to be displayed at the start of HCL® Quality Server: The manifest classpath pdq.jar cannot be found in jar file: /C:/Program%20Files/IBM/RationalTestControlPanel/usr/servers/defaultServer/apps/RTCP.war/WEB-INF/lib/db2jcc4-4.28.11.jar

You can ignore this message.




The HCL OneTest API maven plugin only supports Java 8.



The HCL OneTest API Ant task only supports Java 8.



When HCL OneTest API attempts to log Test Suite results to a results database and if the database is physically located far from the client or if there are other network latency problems, you can notice performance issues that result in test timeouts.

HCL OneTest API now displays a warning about potential performance issues in the test console when a results database is in use.



When you create a FIX stub that sends messages in a loop to a client from HCL OneTest API, the stub works correctly until the client logs off. At this point, the stub is stuck and you cannot connect to the stub unless you restart the stub.



The JDBC driver that is used for database virtualization is not currently compatible with WebSphere Message Broker or IBM Integration Bus because of limitations in the way that they access third-party drivers.



When you configure a proxy server for the file transport that uses FTP, you cannot authenticate the connection by using a user name and password.



When you simulate FETCH calls from a z/OS program to Db2 on z/OS, the performance decreases significantly when the number of columns to fetch increases. This problem is detailed in IBM z/OS Debugger.



Interactions between SoftwareAG webMethods adaptors and Integration Server can utilize an optimization that prevents the data from being accessible to pipeline processing. This might result in some fields to not be present in captured messages that are displayed in Recording Studio and Tests.



In some circumstances, the Default Network Device drop-down menu in Library Manager does not show interfaces that only have IPv6 addresses. Configuring an additional IPv4 address will allow the interface to be shown.



User Defined Types are not supported while virtualizing databases.



Some versions of the IBM WebSphere MQ client JAR files can cause spurious output to stderr when a subscribe-type action is canceled. The version of the JAR files pre-installed with the software do not exhibit this behavior.



When you use an existing project that has tests that use the Email transport, you might see duplicate header fields when you edit the test steps or when you run those tests in the latest version of HCL OneTest API. You can ignore the duplicate headers or manually remove the duplicate headers when editing the tests.



When resource monitoring JVM arguments were added to Library Manager, you could not run stubs in HCL® Quality Server. When a new software component that uses Library Manager is installed the corresponding copy of Library Manager is assigned the same JVM arguments as those set in previously installed software components.

To work around this problem, change the corresponding JVM arguments in the installed software component to reflect necessary circumstances. This change avoids any clashes, for example, two software components that use the same port, that were created by the duplication of the JVM arguments.



When you install HCL OneTest API V10.1.0 on Red Hat Linux Enterprise 8.0 and later, the installation fails with an error message.

To work around this problem, you must first install on your computer for a successful installation of the product. Alternatively, you can create a soft link from by running the following command on the command-line interface: sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/



The Environments, Infrastructure, and Network pages of HCL® Quality Server do not detect user activity and will log the user out after 12 hours.



The Message Differences window does not replace the expected value when the actual value is NULL if the target field does not exist in the expected message.



Stub execution results shown in the Results page of HCL® Quality Server can take a long time to load when there is a very large set of executions.



SOAP messages whose definitions are from XSDs with multiple namespaces might result in the incorrect selection of message elements when creating tests from those definitions.


When you select Help from HCL® Quality Server V10.0.2 or V10.0.2.1 or HCL OneTest API V10.0.2 or V10.0.2.1, you see help content for the 10.0.1 release. To workaround this problem, either change 10.0.1 to 10.0.2 in the current Help URL or copy and paste the following new URL in to your browser.



On the Environments dashboard in HCL® Quality Server, Stop all Stubs will stop all the running stubs but you must refresh the browser to see it was successful.



On the Environments dashboard in HCL® Quality Server, the Available stub count does not refresh consistently without manually refreshing the browser.



On the HCL® Quality Server Network dashboard, if you are viewing a large number of rules, use the Chrome browser for a faster response. Firefox and Edge browsers take longer to render this information.



Due to issues in third-party libraries, a keystore containing a key and certificate sharing the same certificate might throw an error: Cannot find key for alias when encrypting and decrypting using WS-Security.



In Recording Studio, after importing events from an rsh file, that file cannot be overwritten until all of the imported events are removed from Recording Studio. Even after removing the events it might not be immediately possible to overwrite the file. Attempting to write to the file will result in a message similar to: my-events.rsh (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)

To workaround this issue, export the events to a different file.



The CSDL synchronization in HCL OneTest API parses the CSDL definition to use the entity sets and entity set items within the definition. Bound actions and functions are then mapped depending on the entity type of the items so that they can be tested. Where the CSDL definition contains a more complex structure that links additional entity types, you must create the URL manually.



During the installation of HCL OneTest API Agent by using console mode, when you are shown the URL of HCL® Quality Server, you can edit the value by using Other Options 1..



Using Git integration in HCL OneTest API increases the memory consumption of the tool.



The Status column of the Scheduling page for HCL® Quality Server shows a running scheduled test as scheduled.



In some circumstances, from the routing rules that are shown on the Network dashboard, it is not possible to determine the agent on which a virtual service is running.



If a stub event passes its guard condition, only single values are saved to tags on repeating elements. With no guard condition, tags are correctly populated with multiple values.



Newly created transient environments, as used by the IBM® UrbanCode Deploy plug-in, currently do not include the new managed stub instances.



Maven pom files generated from an earlier version of HCL OneTest API do not run with HCL OneTest API 9.2.1 or later.

To workaround this problem, for pom files generated from HCL OneTest API or later, run the Maven command mvn versions:update-property -Dproperty=it-plugin-version -f <name of pom file> to discover the new version from HCL® Quality Server and update the version value. Otherwise, for pom files generated from earlier versions of HCL OneTest API, generate a new pom file or edit the earlier pom file by replacing the version number in the old pom file (for example, 1.911.1 for HCL® Quality Server 9.1.1) with the version number from HCL® Quality Server 9.2.1 (for example, 1.921.0).


The Engine identity in the HCL® Quality Server Infrastructure dashboard displays the project name and version, which may be duplicated if that project is deployed to more than one engine simultaneously.


When you work with the HCL® Quality Server dashboards while HCL® Quality Server security is enabled, when the browser session times out, you are redirected to the Login page. After you log back in, you are redirected to the HCL® Quality Server landing page, instead of the page listed in your browser URL.


In the stub's Activity tab in HCL® Quality Server Environments dashboard, the User field may sometimes display Unknown user instead of a system account.


Proxy recording of AMQP messages on operations or an Ad Hoc monitor targets a proxy queue, rather than an exchange + a routing key, to consume all the messages that are sent by the user application to the proxy queue (denoted by combining the actual queue name with the Queue Suffix defined into the RabbitMQ Transport). As a result when the configuration of the operation or the Ad Hoc monitor does not express a Queue, for example, an empty exchange and the name of the queue as the routing key, the start of the recording is prevented with an exception and a message that indicates the expected configuration.



When Domain Level Security is enabled and a security token is created for the HCL® Quality Server system administrator, this security token does not allow Agent and Proxy processes to register with HCL® Quality Server.

To workaround this issue, add the HCL® Quality Server system administrator as a user of one of your domains.



In the Environments dashboard of HCL® Quality Server, there can be only one instance of a running stub for each stub type that is published into a specific environment in a domain. The option to clone a stub from the Environments page available in 9.2 is removed in 9.2.1.



When you first start an information center, you might see an error that indicates Eclipse is unable to acquire a PluginConverter service. You can safely ignore the "Unable to acquire PluginConverter service during generation for:" error messages. Stop the information center and then restart it.



Topology discovery for WebSphere MQ is not available for WebSphere MQ on z/OS.


The Agent Can Only be Started From its Installed Directory (Unix)

On Unix, if an attempt is made to start the agent from a directory other than the one it is installed in then it will fail to start. For example:

/opt/GH/RIT-Agent/Agent -consolelog

Whereas if you are within the installed directory then:

./Agent -consolelog

works correctly.

Prior to 9.2.0

Stopping an Agent Results In Windows Event Log Error

On some Windows installations IBM has seen errors raised in the Windows Application Event Log when the HCL OneTest APIAgent service is stopped. This error occurs during the shut-down process of the service and does not affect the functionality of the Agent.

Prior to 9.2.0

It is not possible to rename a project resource by simply changing case

Although project resources can be renamed, it is not possible to simply change the case. For example, a rename that changes “simpletest” to “SimpleTest” will not actually rename. This is because Tester uses the Eclipse framework to manage its files and Eclipse does not recognize this type of change.

Prior to 9.2.0

GHDotNetUtils Must Be In the .NET Global Assembly Cache

If you are using .NET integration in HCL OneTest API then the GHDotNetUtils.dll file (in the root installation folder) must be added to the .NET Global Assembly Cache before .NET objects can be parsed. Users wishing to use the .Net functionality will need to install the .Net SDK from Microsoft and register the dll manually e.g : gacutil /i GHDotNetUtils.dll

Prior to 9.2.0

Component Tree Does Not Show Complete Project In Test Factory

Some users have reported instances where the Test Factory Perspective does not show the complete list of project resources in the component tree. HCL OneTest API has required re-starting to correctly display the tree. This problem has not yet been replicated within IBM’s labs and its cause is currently unknown.

Prior to 9.2.0

AIX Performance Testing Does Not Support the sysstats Probe

The sysstats probe is not provided for AIX. If a user attempts to configure an AIX-based performance test to use this probe then the following error will be shown in the console : [Error] Probe ERROR: http://localhost:4476 - Probes failed to start - Failed to start probe: System Statistics - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ghsystemstats (Not found in java.library.path). You must remove this probe from the configuration of the test.

Prior to 9.2.0


When you use the Maven plug-in, if resources other than tests and stubs are run (specifically suites), then the environment attribute in the pom.xml is ignored. To work around this problem, add an environment argument (-environment arg) in the pom.xml.

If you do not use this workaround, then the result is either an UnsupportedOperationException being thrown, or if the project was opened on the workstation before, the most recently used environment is used instead.

Prior to 9.2.0


In 9.1.1 the protocol that is used to communicate with HCL® Quality Server changed to be HTTPS (by default). When recording messages in Recording Studio often these messages are sent direct from the agent/proxy to HCL OneTest API. The transport that is used is agent/proxy specific and not usually encrypted.

Prior to 9.2.0


HCL® Quality Server and HCL OneTest API, by default, use an SSL certificate and private key shorter than 2048 bits. As such they are not in compliance with industry standards set by the Certification Authority/Browser (CA/B) Forum. HCL® Quality Server can be configured to use the compliant 2048 versions by changing the keystore path in the server.custom.xml file to the available 2048 bit greenhat2048.jks keystore. In HCL OneTest API, the compliant Inbuilt Certificate Authority can be selected in the Project Settings.

Prior to 9.2.0


The proxy cannot be used to record Kerberos authenticated HTTP traffic when forward bind rules are used in the proxy's registration.xml configuration file. This traffic can be recorded using a normal proxy configuration.

Prior to 9.2.0


When synchronizing a WSDL or Swagger document and creating a stub, optional fields are not included automatically in the stub unless you have set the workspace preference to include optional fields. Set this preference under Workspace > Preferences > Messages > Include optional fields.

Prior to 9.2.0


The JDBC driver that is used for database virtualization doe not currently support stored procedures within WebSphere Liberty because of limitations in the way that they access third-party drivers.

Prior to 9.2.0


The CICS agent might not handle DPL requests if the size of container is more than 70 KB.

Prior to 9.2.0


Parameters for CALL statements for the JDBC proxy must be enclosed within parentheses.

Prior to 9.2.0


When testing functions using scripting languages other than ECMAScript, the results window might not show any output and might fail to display a success notification. However, the underlying script will run correctly as part of the test.

Prior to 9.2.0


DB2/z virtualization of PL/I applications requires that all variables are uniquely named irrespective of whether they are qualified within a containing structure.

Prior to 9.2.0


When using the ISO20022XSDDownloader utility, some download errors may be encountered. If this happens, open the URL specified in the console log and manually download the schema, unpackage it and place it into the download folder. If the URL is not accessible for the schemas you are interested in, acquire a copy of them from your organization and manually copy it into the download folder.

Prior to 9.2.0


When pasting a link to a Swagger file into the Logical View of Architecture School, the path is correctly recognized only if it ends with "swagger.json" which is in line with the implied standards. The workaround is to specify the full path in a manually created Swagger resource when the source is named differently.

Prior to 9.2.0


The Java agent has been updated to support Java version 8 JVMs, however, Java 8 language features are still not supported.

Prior to 9.2.0


When DBCLOBs are interpreted as a single-byte CCSID containing an odd number of characters, a garbage character might be appended at the end. DBCLOB values in PL/I applications might be truncated to half of their original lengths.

Prior to 9.2.0


Synchronization with IBM Integration Bus version 9 happens using WebSphere MQ. However, only the username from the configuration is used by the libraries, and so an error will be encountered when connecting to a secured queue manager.

Prior to 9.2.0


Virtualization of Oracle stored procedures in TIBCO BusinessWorks using the Derby database is not possible, because TIBCO BusinessWorks uses Oracle-specific SQL statements only.

To work around the issue, use an Oracle schema for the stub.

Prior to 9.2.0


Although, in general, HCL OneTest API now supports the Software AG webMethods Integration Server (wmIS) 9.7, JDBC Virtualization from within wmIS where the database connections are defined using JDBC Connection Pools or used directly via DriverManager is not supported and does not work with this specific version of wmIS.

Prior to 9.2.0


If a username/password value in the WebSphere MQ transport is used with WebSphere MQ version 8.0, and the password is longer than 12 characters, then the WebSphere MQ version 8.0 client jar files must be used. In other words, passwords longer than 12 characters do not work with WebSphere MQ version 8.0 when using the version 7 client jar files.

Prior to 9.2.0


When using the command line installer for HCL® Quality Server (imcl -c), the user cannot modify the default security permissions. Two workarounds are available:
  1. Copy the correct security.config file to the new system.
  2. Create the quiet installation file a different system, then run the quiet installation on the intended server by using the generated quiet installation settings file.

Prior to 9.2.0


When a user attempts to open a HCL OneTest API project as Project Administrator, the username field in the login dialog is disabled. The reason is that HCL OneTest API authenticates based purely on the password for the project administrator. However, if the HCL OneTest API project is configured to use HCL® Quality Server for authentication, then HCL OneTest API also attempts to authenticate the user against HCL® Quality Server, based on the user's Windows account name. If the user cannot be authenticated by HCL® Quality Server, then the user will not be able to open the project as an administrator.

Prior to 9.2.0


When installing software using IBM Installation Manager, input validation is performed when moving both backward and forward through the installation wizard. This means users might see validation warnings when clicking the Back button. This behavior is expected.

Prior to 9.2.0


If a stub is created from recorded X12/EDIFACT messages, and a user then edits the message (request or response) in the stub editor and attempts to modify a non-expanded parent element (rather than the children), then HCL OneTest API raises an exception.

This problem can be avoided by editing the expanded child elements. Note that it is usual to edit child elements as these elements contain the parsed fields. Editing the parent requires the user to edit the original string rather than the parsed version.

Prior to 9.2.0


Some transports do not differentiate message types between "requests" and "responses". This means that when HCL OneTest API records messages from these transports they will all appear as "Publish" type messages. The user must find another way (usually using header or body values or specific queue or topic names) to determine which is the "response" message. If a user creates a stub using the Recording Studio Wizard, then the stub will not work correctly "out of the box" as it will have incorrectly created a subscribe action for the response rather than a publish. The user must correct this by using the stub editor after it has been created. The user will also need to update the operations created by the wizard.

Prior to 9.2.0


When components are upgraded using IBM's Installation Manager changes that users have made to configuration files (such as Agent.config) will be lost. This is because the upgrade process does not merge changes that were made to the configuration files with the new version. Instead the upgrade process simply overwrites the user's configuration file with the new version. If users have modified configuration files after installation then these changes must be made again and it is suggested users take copies of the files before upgrade so that they can copy the changes across.

Prior to 9.2.0


A Windows process that was launched via the Run Command action is not terminated when the test or suite is cancelled, even if the user specified that the Run Command action should kill the task at the end of the test, scenario, suite, or execution. This issue exists because Windows (unlike UNIX or /Linux) does not track parent/child processes. The problem is documented in a Java bug at the following URL:

This problem cannot be resolved by HCL OneTest API and is a permanent limitation.

Prior to 9.2.0


When upgrading the HCL OneTest API Agent on the Windows Server 2008 platform then, if the existing Agent is installed as a Windows server it is advisable to stop the service before attempting to perform the upgrade otherwise errors may occur. To do this, open Control Panel to: Control Panel\System and Security\Administrative Tools, then stop the 'IBM RIT Agent' service.

Prior to 9.2.0


Packet capture recording does not work due to the retirement of WinPcap support. As an alternative solution, users can uninstall WinPcap and install instead.

Prior to 9.2.0


When a user creates a subfolder under an operation in HCL OneTest API, then creates a stub in that subfolder and then publishes the stub to HCL® Quality Server, the stub will not be visible from the HCL® Quality Server dashboard although the publish process will appear to have worked correctly.

To avoid this problem, move the stub directly under the operation so that it is not within a subfolder.

Prior to 9.2.0


If a HCL OneTest API project results database is created on MySQL on Linux, the MySQL system variable lower_case_table_names in the my.cnf file must be set to 1. On Linux systems, this is not the default setting.

Prior to 9.2.0


In Recording Studio, the information window that displays details about warnings or errors that have occurred while recording truncates some information. For example, recording rules used by the HTTP proxies will typically be truncated. This is by design. The full text can be see in theHCL® Quality Server activity log.

Prior to 9.2.0


When an HCL® Quality Server scenario is loaded into HCL OneTest API (via either the Test Suite scenario editor or the Performance Test configuration dialog), scenarios for all domains / environment are listed rather than just the domain/environment the user is currently working in. If the test is then executed in an environment in which the stubs in the scenario have not been published too they will fail to start.

Prior to 9.2.0


If a performance test is configured to start a stub on HCL® Quality Server and that stub is already running then another instance will be (correctly) started for the performance test. However, when the performance test stops, both instances of the stub will be stopped, not just the one that was started for the test. Note that this does not apply to stubs which are already running which are not configured to be used in the performance test; they will continue to run after the test ends.

Prior to 9.2.0


When running Library Manager on a non-English operating system the network card information displayed may contain corrupted characters. This is due to a problem processing Unicode characters in third-party software used by Library Manager to access the network card details.

Prior to 9.2.0


Arabic numbers pasted into a numeric control with up and down increment arrows (e.g. the Minimum length field when setting up length validation in the message editor) will revert to Western numerals when the up/down increment arrows are clicked.

Prior to 9.2.0


Attempting to connect to a DB2 database using non-ASCII usernames may result in the error “cannot convert Unicode string to Ebcdic string” being displayed. For example, attempting to connect using the default Russian administrator username of "администратор" will show the error, but connecting using “administrator” will not. The workaround is to use the ASCII forms.

Prior to 9.2.0


Users should note that JDBC database virtualization is not supported against IBM DB2 version 8.x. The oldest supported version of DB2 for JDBC virtualization is 9.5 (on distributed) and 9.1 (on System z).

Prior to 9.2.0


All users must be in the same group to be able to run/view reports. When a report is generated in Results Gallery Tester will create a directory called /tmp/ghtester5reports. This directory will be owned by the user that creates it (which may be root). When another user attempts to run a report then, if they’re not in the same group, they will be unable to write to the same directory and the report generation will fail. The workaround is to ensure that all users can write to this directory (for example, by making them all members of the same group)

Prior to 9.2.0


Side-by-side installation of different versions of HCL OneTest API is not supported. If such installations are performed then users should note that the multiple versions will share the same start-up splash-screen cause confusion in the version numbering. Help/About must be used to determine the correct version number.

Prior to 9.2.0


Within the Message Difference Window, Overwrite Expected Field only works for filters (within stubs) when updating leaf nodes. Message structures cannot be copied when viewing filter actions. The whole message can be replaced while viewing the filter actions, using overwrite expected message, but overwriting part of a message currently only works for the validate field action.

Prior to 9.2.0


Although it is possible to roll back an installation of HCL® Quality Server using Installation Manager the workspace (containing all published stubs and other information) will not work with an earlier version of HCL® Quality Server once it has been upgraded and run.

When a new version of HCL® Quality Server is installed and run it upgrades the workspace to the new version. If the installation of HCL® Quality Server is subsequently downgraded then it will not start because the workspace remains at the higher version.

To avoid this problem users must back-up the workspace directory before upgrading HCL® Quality Server. If it is subsequently downgraded again then the workspace must be restored from back-up.

Prior to 9.2.0


Dates in ISO format in message nodes will not be rendered according to the preferred operating system date format (when not running in English) in the Message Difference Window. Changing this behavior would require making changes that could invalidate ‘expected messages’ in existing projects causing tests to fail. For this reason it has been decided not to change the rendering of these nodes.

Prior to 9.2.0


Not all Unicode characters (especially the glyph-style characters) can be rendered using all fonts. For example, very few fonts contain a glyph for the U+0904 (DEVANAGARI LETTER SHORT A) character. The default behavior means that it will not attempt to find a font that does contain that character. This means that messages containing this character will not render correctly. The workaround is for the user to use the HCL OneTest API font preferences to select a font that is capable of rendering these characters.

Prior to 9.2.0


HCL OneTest API is a Swing based Java application. Java/Swing uses visual cursor movement when working with bi-directional text in user-editable fields. This means that the cursor arrow keys and the delete/backspace function will always operate visually (i.e. left moves left) which may not be the expected logical movement.

Prior to 9.2.0