Installing DevOps Test UI in silent mode

You can install HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) from the command line by using response files rather than using the Installation Manager graphical user interface.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

  • Uninstalled the existing version of the product before you install the latest version.
  • Created a response file that contains the commands and inputs to install Test UI in silent mode. For more information on creating a response file, see Recording response files.


Install Test UI by using the response file and Installation Manager installer:
  • If you have already installed Installation Manager:
    1. Change to the following directory: eclipse\tools. For example: cd C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools.
    2. Enter the installation command:
      • On Windows systems: imcl.exe input response_file_path_and_name -log log_file_path_and_name -acceptLicense
      • On Linux systems:./imcl input response_file_path_and_name -log llog_file_path_and_name -acceptLicense