Installation in the shell sharing mode

You can install HCL DevOps Test UI (Test UI) in the same package group with the other supported Eclipse-based products. These products share a common environment, or they are shell shared. Shell shared products have a common installation directory, <Install_Directory>\HCL\DevOpsTest. Test UI installs as a perspective in the UI of the product with which it is shell-shared.


You must be familiar with the installation and licensing of the following products that are compatible for installation in the shell shared mode with Test UI:
Compatible product Refer to
IBM® Engineering Workflow Management Installing IBM® Engineering Workflow Management
HCL DevOps Test Performance Installing Test Performance
IBM® Rational® Team Concert Installing IBM® Rational® Team Concert

Shell sharing with IBM® Engineering Workflow Management

You can install Test UI in the shell sharing mode with Engineering Workflow Management Client Extension for Eclipse 4.x by using the following method:
  1. Add the repositories of Test UI and Engineering Workflow Management Client Extension in the IBM Installation Manager to install the products together in the shell sharing mode.
  2. Select Test UI and Engineering Workflow Management Client Extension to install the products together.

Shell sharing with Test Performance

You can install Test Performance with Test UI in any sequence for the shell sharing mode. You can use one of the following methods:
If Then
Test UI is not installed You must follow these steps:
  1. Add the repositories of Test UI and Test Performance in the IBM Installation Manager to install the products together in the shell sharing mode.
  2. Select Test UI and Test Performance to install the products together in a package group.
Test UI is already installed You must follow these steps:
  1. Install Test Performance and while installing Test Performance, consider the following points:
    • Choose the IMShared directory where Test UI is already installed.
    • Choose the SDP directory where Test UI is already installed.

Shell sharing with IBM® Rational® Team Concert

You can install Test UI in the shell sharing mode with Rational® Team Concert 6.06 Client Extension for Eclipse by using the following method:
If Then
Test UI is not installed You must follow these steps:
  1. Add the repositories of Test UI and Rational® Team Concert Client Extension in the IBM Installation Manager to install the products together in the shell sharing mode.
  2. Select Test UI and Rational® Team Concert Client Extension to install the products together.
Test UI is already installed

Install Rational® Team Concert Client Extension and while installing it, choose the DevOpsTest directory where Test UI is already installed.