Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog

Use the Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog to configure actions to be performed when unexpected windows open during script playback. Configuring these actions helps to ensure that scripts play back smoothly without interruptions.

The Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog contains the following controls:

Select the Test Domain
Lists the domains for which you can configure unexpected windows.
Perform close action for 'non-configured' windows
If selected, all unexpected windows in the selected domain that have not been configured are closed automatically.
Unexpected Window Title
Lists all unexpected windows that can be configured for the selected domain.
Add Window
Adds a window, if the required window is not listed for the selected domain.
Remove Window
Removes a window from the list of unexpected windows for the selected domain.
Select Action
Lists the actions that can be configured for an unexpected window. An unexpected window can be configured either to be closed automatically, or have a specific action performed on it, depending on by additional recognition properties that you can define.
Configure action objects properties to perform selected action
To add object recognition properties that will help identify the action to be performed on a specific control on the unexpected window. This field is unavailable if the Close action was selected in the Select Action list. You can specify a Property Name and Property Value for the control.
Add Property
Adds an object recognition property for the control on the unexpected window. You can also use the Test Object Inspector to get properties for the control. Open the unexpected window and the Test Object Inspector. Move the cursor over the window to get the title. Move the cursor over the specific control, to get its property name and value. Refer to Displaying test object information for instructions to use the Test Object Inspector.
Remove Property
Removes an object recognition property for the control on the unexpected window.
Saves the changes and closes the Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog.
Cancels all the changes made in the Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog after you last saved.
Saves the changes without closing the Configure Handling of Unexpected Windows dialog.