Import Project Items page

You use the Import Project Items page to import project items such as scripts, test object maps, Java files or Visual Basic files, and datasets into a Functional Test project.

The Import Project Items page has the following controls:

Transfer file
Enter or navigate to the data transfer file name .rftjdtr that was used to export the project items. To view and work with items in the data transfer file, you can use any file compression program that supports the .zip format. You do not have to extract files in the .rftjdtr file before importing.
Select the import location
Lists all Functional Test projects. Use the navigation buttons ( Home Home button, Back Back button, and Go Into Go Into button) to select the appropriate path to the project into which you want to import project items.
Returns to the Import wizard.
Adds all the project items from the data transfer file into the project you specified. If the project already contains any of the assets you are importing, Test UI displays the Select items to overwrite page. Select the items to overwrite in the project or clear the items that you do not want to overwrite.

To open: Right-click the project in the Projects view, and click Import. In the Import wizard, select Functional Test Project Items and click Next.