Running tests from Jenkins

You can run test assets either from the Jenkins Freestyle or Pipeline project on the Jenkins server to test an application under test.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

After you run the test assets from the Jenkins, the Reports information section on the Console Output page displays the names of the report along with its corresponding URLs if you publish test results to Test Hub.


  1. Log in to the Jenkins server.
    The Jenkins dashboard is displayed.
  2. Open your Jenkins Freestyle or Pipeline project from the list.
  3. Perform one of the following steps to run the test assets from Jenkins:
    1. Click Build Now.
    2. Click Build with Parameters to provide the values for the defined parameters, and then click Build.


You have run the test from the Jenkins server.

What to do next

You can view the build logs. To view the build logs, you can click the build number from the Build History pane, and then select the Console Output option.