Importing recorded events

When you have recorded events in Test Integrations and APIs, HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel), or any other application and saved it as an HTTP archive file (HAR file) , you can use the Recording Studio feature to import the events. You can then create tests or stubs from the events to run them in Test Integrations and APIs.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Verified that the Test Integrations and APIs project is connected to a valid instance of Test Virtualization Control Panel. To verify, click Project > Project Settings on the menu bar, click the Server Settings tab on the Project Settings dialog, and verify that a green check mark icon is displayed next to the URL field on the Control Panel area of the tab.
  • Ensured that the recorded events are available in a Recording Studio history file on your computer, if you recorded by using Test Integrations and APIs or HCL DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel (Test Virtualization Control Panel).
  • Ensured that the HTTP archive file (HAR file) is available on your computer, if you recorded events in any application and saved the recording as an HAR file.

About this task

Importing recorded events from a Recording Studio history file enables you to retrieve recorded events that were generated during an earlier user session for your project and import those events into Recording Studio.

In contrast, importing recorded events from Test Virtualization Control Panel enables you to import recorded events to your project that were previously exported to Test Virtualization Control Panel by you or another user.

Any recorded events imported into your project can be used to create tests and stubs.

  • There are limitations with importing recorded events into a project that is different from the project from which they were exported.
When importing a Recording Studio history file, the original Enabled and Color attributes are also restored.


  1. Open the Recording Studio perspective.
  2. Click the Import events Import selected events icon on the toolbar of the Events View dialog.

    The Import Recorded Events wizard is displayed.

  3. Select from the following options to import events:
    • If the recorded events are in a Recording Studio history file on your computer, go to Step 4.
    • If you want to import events from Test Virtualization Control Panel, go to Step 5.
    • If you recorded an application and saved it as an HTTP archive file (HAR file), go to Step 6.
  4. Perform the following steps if the recorded events are in a Recording Studio history file on your computer:
    1. Click File, and then click Next.

      The Open dialog is displayed.

    2. Browse to the location where you saved the Recording Studio history file, and then select the file.
      Note: You can identify the Recording Studio history file that is saved with the .rsh file extension.
    3. Click Open.

      The Import from file window is displayed. After you selected the file, the specified location and file name are displayed in the Import events from field.

    4. Select the Remove existing monitors and events option, if you want to remove the existing monitors, and the monitors if present in the imported file are used.

      If you do not select this option, then the existing events and monitors are retained.

    5. Click Finish.
    6. Go to Results.
  5. Perform the following steps, if you want to import events from Test Virtualization Control Panel:
    1. Click Control Panel, and then Next.

      The Import recorded events from Control Panel dialog is displayed.

    2. Select from the following options to search for events:
      Option Action
      Labels Select this option when you want to search for events that match labels that you define.
      Free search Select this option to search for events that match a name, description, or label.
      • If you want to use the Labels option, go to Step 5.c.
      • If you want to use the Free search option, go to Step 5.d.
    3. Perform the following steps if you want to use the Labels option:
      1. Select the Labels option.
      2. Perform the actions for the options as presented in the following table:
        Option Description Action
        Match: Any of the following The match for any label from the list entered is used as the search criteria.
        1. Enter labels in the Labels field. For multiple labels, you can use spaces to separate the labels.
        2. Click Add existing labels, if the labels that you entered match the labels in the recorded events.
        3. Select the labels, and then click OK.
        4. Click Next.
        Match: All of the following The match for all labels from the list entered is used as the search criteria.

        The Matching recordings from Test Virtualization Control Panel dialog is displayed.

  6. Perform the following steps, if the recorded events are in an HAR file on your computer:
    1. Click HAR File, and then click Next.

      The Open dialog is displayed.

    2. Browse to the location where you saved the HAR file, and then select the file.
      Note: You can identify the HAR file that is saved with the .har file extension.
    3. Click Open.

      The Import from file window is displayed. After you selected the file, the specified location and file name are displayed in the Import events from field.

    4. Select the Remove existing monitors and events option, if you want to remove the existing monitors, and the monitors if present in the imported file are used.

      If you do not select this option, then the existing events and monitors are retained.

    5. Click Finish.
    6. Go to Results.


You imported the recorded events from the specified file or from the specified Test Virtualization Control Panel instance.

What to do next

You can create tests from the imported events. See Creating test resources from recorded or imported events.