Scenario reference settings

You can configure references or dependencies from the operations that are part of a test suite.

Note: An operation that is contained in a test suite references itself.
To import a scenario from Test Virtualization Control Panel into a test suite in your project, the following conditions apply:
  • If a Test Virtualization Control Panel user has specified that a stub within the scenario to import must run only on specific agents, those settings are discarded when you import the scenario into Test Integrations and APIs. That means the stubs affected will run on any available agents in the execution environment in Test Virtualization Control Panel when you run the test suite.
  • If there are multiple stub definitions for an operation, only one will be imported and the others will be discarded. Th is because, unlike Test Virtualization Control Panel, Test Integrations and APIs can execute only one stub for each operation.
  • If there are multiple configurations for a single stub, only one will be imported and the others will be discarded. This is because, unlike Test Virtualization Control Panel, Test Integrations and APIs can execute only one configuration for each stub. This limitation includes agent selection criteria, so only one agent selection criterion is imported.
The following table describes how to use the controls on the References tab on the Scenario Editor window.
Control Description
Load scenario from Test Virtualization Control Panel

Clicking this button opens the Load scenario from Control Panel window. Here, you select the configuration of a scenario that is saved on Test Virtualization Control Panel to be copied into the currently selected scenario. This action overwrites any conflicting stubs that are already configured.

  • Only scenarios that are available under the domain that is configured for the project are available.
  • If Test Virtualization Control Panel is not running or if your Test Integrations and APIs project is not configured with the correct Test Virtualization Control Panel URL, the Load scenario from Control Panel button is unavailable.

If any operations are not satisfied by the selected scenario, you can specify how they are handled while they are being loaded into Test Integrations and APIs.

Options are as follows:
  • Do not change: Any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from the server keep their existing selection.
  • Clear selection: Selections are cleared for any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from Test Virtualization Control Panel.
  • Set to Live System: Selections are changed to "Live System" for any operations that are not assigned a stub by the scenario that is loaded from Test Virtualization Control Panel. This means that all traffic goes to the live system.

By default, only the stubs that are part of the scenario and the current project is listed. To load stubs that are published by users into a different project but are added into the same scenario in Test Virtualization Control Panel, select the Include non-referenced stubs check box.

Clicking OK on the Load scenario from Test Virtualization Control Panel window loads any stubs for the operations that are listed on the References tab from the currently selected scenario.

When you use the Load scenario option, the details of the stub configuration (from the stub in Test Virtualization Control Panel) are copied to the stub in the Test Integrations and APIs scenario. When the test suite is run the stub in the scenario is launched as an external stub in the Test Virtualization Control Panel Environments dashboard and can be identified by the image of the icon icon it displays. The original stub in the Test Virtualization Control Panel Environments dashboard which was used by Test Integrations and APIs to load in the scenario exists in Test Virtualization Control Panel Environments dashboard as a server-based stub identified by the image of the icon icon it displays. For information about external stubs, see Server-based stubs.

Scenarios from Test Virtualization Control Panel can be loaded into a test suite scenario from any environment. The scenario can then be executed in any environment if the stubs it contains exist at the correct version in that environment.

Stub response time, engine, performance configuration and agent attributes are imported from the Test Virtualization Control Panel scenario but other stub configuration is not imported.


This column displays any referenced operations for the tests within this scenario.

Note: By default, the References window is sorted in ascending order by using the Reference column. To change the sort, or to sort by any other column, click the title of the wanted column. As you click, the sorting order cycles through ascending, descending, and no sort.
Satisfied by
If a referenced operation can be stubbed, clicking the cell under Satisfied by displays a list that contains the following options:
  • Blank: Selecting this option means that no changes are made to anything currently running in HCL DevOps Test Virtualization (Test Virtualization).
    Note: This option is useful if you are working with nested scenarios and you want to prevent the tearing down of any stubs in a parent scenario.
  • Live system: Selecting this option stops any stubs that are running for this operation either in Test Integrations and APIs or in the execution environment in Test Virtualization Control Panel when the scenario is executed.
For other rows displayed on the References window, clicking the operation under Satisfied by displays a list that contains the following options:
  • Blank
  • Live system
Location & version
If a stub is selected (under Satisfied by) for a referenced operation, clicking the cell under Location & version displays a list that contains the following options:
  • Local
  • Remote stub version number

A remote stub is a stub that was previously published from Test Integrations and APIs to Test Virtualization Control Panel. The stub version number that is displayed refers to the version number specified when it was published. Only stub versions that are published to the domain configured for the current project are available.


If a stub is selected (under Satisfied by) for a referenced operation, clicking the cell under Config displays the Stub Configuration window.

In the Stub Configuration window, you can override the following configurations for the currently selected stub:
  • Response time
  • Agents
  • Stub performance
  • Test engine for the stub
For more information on the configuration options, see Starting stubs by using the DevOps Test Virtualization Control Panel method
Note: The Stub Configuration window cannot be used to import or modify a stubs input tags, behavior properties, or logging settings.

After making any changes on the References tab, click OK to close the Scenario Editor window.

When you run the modified test suite that contains the modified scenario, the following happens:
  • Any stubs that were running on the selected environment in Test Integrations and APIs stop for any operations in the scenario where Live System or a stub was selected.
  • The selected environment in Test Integrations and APIs is locked if you clicked the Lock the environment in Test Virtualization Control Panel check box on the References tab.
  • Any stub or stubs that are linked to the modified scenario are executed.
  • When the scenario finishes, all stubs (both remote and local) that it started are stopped.