Viewing in-app notifications
You can view the notifications for the events that occur within the HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).
About this task
The in-app notifications are displayed in the server UI under the following categories for the server events that occur:
Category | Notifications displayed |
User |
Include information about actions performed by team space members in the team space. |
System |
Include information about actions performed by registered users at the server level. |
Log in to Test Hub.
The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
Click the Notifications icon
on the menu bar.
The Notifications dialog is displayed.
You can find the information about the default notifications that you can view based on your role in the server as in-app notifications in the USER tab and SYSTEM tab.Category Notification details Server Administrator or Team Space Owner Project Creator or Project Owner Tester Viewer User notifications
Information about events at the server level or across team spaces performed by other team space owners.
Information about events in the team space performed by other team space members.
Information about events in the project performed by other project members.
Information about events performed by you in a project.
System notifications
Information about events at the server level or across team spaces.
Information about events in the team space performed by other team space members.
Information about events in the projects at the team space level performed by other project members.
The notifications in the USER tab are displayed as the default option.
- View the notifications in the USER tab.
- View the notifications at the server level by clicking the SYSTEM tab.