Managing in-app notifications

You can manage the in-app notifications by changing the subscriptions that are enabled by default for all the events that occur on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

You can view the default notification subscription for all server events, and then choose to unsubscribe or change the subscription for any or all the events.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Click the User icon Image of the User icon. on the menu bar.
  3. Click Account Settings.
    Alternatively, click the Notification icon on the menu bar, and then click the Settings icon in the Notifications dialog.
  4. Click the Expand icon and identify the server events for which you want to change the subscription.
    You can notice that for each of the server events, the in-app channel is displayed as selected, which is the default selection unless you have modified the subscription.
  5. Perform the actions indicated in the following table to clear the subscriptions for server events that you do not want to be notified and to select the in-app subscription for the server events that you want to be notified.
    When Action Result

    You do not want to receive the in-app notifications for a specific server event.

    Perform the following steps:
    1. Identify the server event by expanding the channel list.
    2. Clear the checkbox in the In App row to unsubscribe.
    3. Click Apply.

    You have unsubscribed the in-app notifications for a specific server event and the notification is not displayed for you when the event occurs.

    You want to receive the in-app notifications for a specific server event.
    Perform the following steps:
    1. Identify the server event by expanding the channel list.
    2. Select the checkbox in the In App row.
    3. Click Apply.

    You have subscribed to the in-app notifications for the server event and the notification is displayed for you when the event occurs.

    You want to subscribe to the in- app notifications for all server events.

    Select the In App checkbox under Channels, and then click Apply.

    The in-app channel is displayed as selected for all server events and notifications for all server events will be displayed.

    You do not want to receive any in-app notifications for all server events.

    Clear the In App checkbox, and then click Apply.

    The in-app channel selections for all server events are cleared and no notifications will be displayed when the event occurs.

  6. To change the notification language in which you want to receive the notifications from the default, select a language from the Email Language option in the Notifications pane and click Apply.


You have modified the notification subscription for specific or all server events.