Configuring a run of an SAP GUI test

When you want to run an SAP GUI test, then you must configure a run of SAP GUI test or the Compound Test that contains SAP GUI tests on HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:

About this task

You can run the SAP GUI test or Compound test that contains the SAP GUI test in Test Hub, only by using the remote performance agent installed with the SAP runtime environment. If you have not installed any remote performance agent with the SAP run time environment, you do not see any agents in the Override column and the Execute button is disabled so that you cannot run the test.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Open the project that contains the test assets, and then click Execution.
    The test assets in the selected branch of the repository are displayed on the Execution page.
  3. Perform any of the following steps based on the test you want to run:
    • Click the TESTS tab to run the SAP GUI test.
    • Click the SUITES tab to run the compound test that contains the SAP GUI test.
  4. Identify the test that you want to run and click the Execute icon Image of the icon. in the row of the identified test asset.
    The Execute test asset dialog is displayed.
    Note: If you do not want to continue with the current settings, click Reset to reset the settings.
  5. Select the version of the test resources that you want to run.
  6. Optional: Click Schedule to select a time for scheduling the test run.
  7. Optional: Click the Add a label icon , type a label to identify the test on the Results page, and then press the Enter key.
  8. Perform the following steps to select the performance agent and run the SAP GUI tests:
    1. Click the LOCATION tab, if it is not already open.
      The performance agents installed with SAP GUI runtime are listed under the Host column.
      Note: You must have added performance agents to your project from the Agents and Intercepts page for the performance agents to be displayed under the Override column.
    2. Select the performance agent where you want to run the test asset in the Override column.
  9. Optional: Click Advanced to make the following advanced configurations:
    1. Enter any JVM arguments that must be passed to the test run at run time in the JVM Arguments field, if applicable for the test.

      For example, you can set a maximum Java heap size.

    2. Enter program arguments that must be passed to the test run at run time in the Program Arguments, if applicable for the test.

      If you want the test log for the test, you must enter -history testlog in the Program Arguments field.

    3. Enter the environment variables that must be passed to the test run at run time in the Environment Variables field, if applicable for the test.

      For example, enter the environment variables when the third-party libraries that are used in the test run refer to the environment variables for configuration.

    Note: You must separate the arguments or variables with a white space when you enter them in the same line or start each argument or variable on a new line.

    The default value for each of the fields for the advanced settings is null or an empty field.

    If you want to run the test immediately or at the scheduled time, click Execute, or continue with the next step.

  10. Optional: Follow the instructions if you are running a test asset that contains datasets:
    1. Click the DATA SOURCES tab, if it is not already open.
    2. Consider the following information about datasets before you select a dataset:

      The default value for the datasets in the DATA SOURCES tab is null if the test asset did not have an associated dataset. If the asset had an associated dataset, the default value is the associated dataset.

      You can utilize the dataset stored as an Excel or CSV file to override the original dataset associated with the Suite, test, or schedule. For example, when you have associated a dataset in .xlsx, .xls, or .csv format with the test or schedule in desktop clients and if you have another set of data stored in an Excel or CSV file, then you can select that dataset from the Override list.
      Remember: You must have uploaded the dataset as an Excel or CSV file into the Git repository, and ensured that both the original dataset (from the test asset) and new datasets (added to the project) have the same column names.
    3. Select the dataset that you want to use in the test run from any of the following options:
      • Select the dataset that is displayed as the default dataset when the test asset contains a single dataset.
        Note: If there is only one dataset in the test asset, then that dataset is displayed as the default dataset.
      • Select the dataset from the list.
        Note: If there are multiple datasets in the test asset, the datasets are listed in their increasing alphabetical order.
      • Select the dataset from the Override list to override the dataset that was associated with the test in the desktop client.
        Important: If the test contains an encrypted dataset, the Project Owner must classify it in the DATA SECURITY tab on the Project page before you can select it. You must have added datasets to your project from the Dataset page for the datasets to be displayed in the Override list.

    If you want to run the test immediately or at the scheduled time, click Execute, or continue with the next step.

  11. Optional: Follow the instructions in this step if the test requires a variable that must be passed to the test at the test run time.

    You must configure the supported browser by using a variable if the test has a browser configured, which is different from the one that is supported by Test Hub.

    1. Click the VARIABLES tab, if it is not already open.
    2. Choose one of the following methods to add the variables:
      • To add new variables manually, click the Add Variable icon Image of the Add icon, enter the name, and value of the variable.
        1. Enter RTW_WebUI_Browser_Selection as the name.
      • To add new variables from your local computer or from the Git repository that is associated with your project, click the Upload icon Image of the icon and choose either Upload from local system or Browse from server to select the variable file.
        Note: You must have created a file with the variables before you can select the file.

    The default value for the variables is either null or an empty field.

    If you want to run the test immediately or at the scheduled time, click Execute, or continue with the next step.

  12. Optional: Follow the instructions if you want to export the test results to a Jira issue in your Xray project in Jira:
    1. Click the RESULTS tab.
    2. Perform the actions listed in the following table to select an option to export the test results:
      Export options Results in... Actions

      Jira Xray

      The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to the selected issue after the test run is completed. The results are exported to the selected issue that exists in your Xray project in Jira.

      Perform the following steps:
      1. Select the Jira Xray option.

        The Select issue field is displayed.

      2. Click the field to view the list of issues in the Xray project in Jira. Alternatively, you can enter the issue key in the Jira Xray project.
      3. Select the issue to which you want to export the test results.
      4. Continue with the next step.

      New Jira item

      The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to a new Jira issue. The issue is created in your project in Jira after the test run is completed.

      Perform the following steps:
      1. Select the New Jira item option.
      2. Continue with the next step.


      The test results are not exported.
      Note: This export option is the default option.
      Perform the following steps when:
      • You do not want to export the test results.
      • You selected a Jira issue in a previous run of the same test, and you do not want to export the results of the current run.
      1. Select the None option.
      2. Continue with the next step.
  13. Click Execute.


You have started or scheduled a test run of an SAP GUI test or Compound test that contains SAP GUI test.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: