Adding users to a project

You can add users to your project in HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) so that they can access your test assets.

Before you begin

  • You own a project.
  • The users you want to add to your project must be the members of the team space of that project.

About this task

As a project owner, you can add other users to your public or private project. For example, if you have a large number of test assets that must be run, you might want your test team to help run them, and see the results.


  1. Log in to Test Hub.
    The Projects page of the Initial Team Space is displayed.
  2. Select the project for which you want to add the users.
  3. Click the Configure Project icon on the Project card.

    The Configuration page of the project is displayed.

  4. In the Project Members section, click Add Members.

    The Add Members dialog is displayed.

  5. Enter the name or email of the user in the search bar to find the user.
  6. Select Viewer, Tester, or Owner role for the user that you want to add.

    The added user after logging in can see the owner's project in their list of My Projects.

  7. Click Add Members.

    The newly added members are listed under the Project Members list.


You have successfully added users to your project.

What to do next

You can add or remove roles to one or more projects that you own. All users can request to be a member of another public project.