Viewing details of cloud credentials
If you are a Team Space Owner in HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can view the details of the cloud credential when you want to decide your action for adding or removing team space members, changing your cloud subscription details, or deleting a credential. If you are a Project Owner or Tester, you can verify whether you are added as an authorized user to use the cloud credential.
Before you begin
You must have completed the following tasks:
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Team Space Owner in the team space, a Project Owner, or a Tester in the project. See Managing members and their roles in a team space.
- Added the cloud credentials of your mobile device cloud account to configure the connection between Test Hub and the mobile device cloud. See Adding cloud credentials of mobile device clouds.
- Added team space members as authorized users of the cloud credential. See Adding authorized users to a cloud credential.
Log in to Test Hub.
The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
on the navigation pane.
The Cloud Credentials page is displayed with the cloud credentials that are added to the team space.
Identify the cloud credential by performing any of the following
- Scroll through the table of cloud credentials to identify the cloud credential with the name you provided.
- Search for the cloud credential by entering the name of the credential in the Search field.
- Sort the Provider column so that the names of the device cloud providers are listed alphabetically in either increasing or decreasing order. Identify your device cloud provider and look for the name of your credential.
Select the action that you want to perform:
- Verify whether you are added as an authorized user of the cloud credential by the Team Space Owner, if you are a Project Owner or Tester, go to Step 5.
- View details of the cloud credential, if you are a Team Space Owner, Project Owner, or Tester, go to Step 6.
- Export the details of all the cloud credentials in your team space, if you are a Team Space Owner, go to Step 7.
Perform the following steps to verify whether you are added as an authorized
user of the cloud credential:
Click the View icon
in the row of the credential that you want to view.
The details of the cloud credential are displayed in the View cloud credential dialog.
You can view the following details about the credential for the mobile device cloud that was configured in the cloud credential:You can close the dialog by clicking Close.Attribute Displays Mobile device cloud details displayed BitBar Cloud BrowserStack Cloud pCloudy Cloud Perfecto Mobile Cloud Owner The username and email ID of the team space owner who configured the cloud credential. Credential name The name provided to the cloud credential by the team space owner while the connection with the mobile device cloud was configured. Type The name of the mobile device cloud to which the connection was configured in the cloud credential. Host The hostname or URL of the mobile device cloud instance. Project The name of the project on the mobile device cloud. Username The username of your cloud subscription account. API key The API key of your cloud subscription account to authenticate the connection. Security token The token used to authenticate the connection. Access to The team space members that the team space owner added as authorized users of the cloud credential. -
Perform the following steps to export details of all existing cloud credentials
that are configured in your team space when you want to use the details
elsewhere, such as the name of the credentials, the credential type, and email
ID of authorized users of the credentials members:
Click the Export icon
- Click the CSV option.
- Enter a name for the file.
- Select a location on your computer to save the file.
- Click Save.
You saved the details of all the credentials in your team space as a CSV file to your computer.
Click the Export icon
- If you are a Project Owner or Tester, you verified whether you are an authorized user of the cloud credential.
- If you are a Team Space Owner, Project Owner, or Tester, you have viewed the details of the cloud credential that you added.
- If you are a Team Space Owner, you saved the details of all cloud credentials that are in your team space to a file on your computer.