Adding cloud credentials of mobile device clouds
You as a Team Space Owner can add a cloud credential in the team space by using the details of your mobile device cloud subscription. This cloud credential represents a connection between HCL DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) and a mobile device cloud.
Before you begin
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Team Space Owner in the team space. See Managing members and their roles in a team space.
- Ensured that you have the details of your subscription and valid credentials of the mobile device cloud to which you want to connect. See Details required of mobile device clouds.
Log in to Test Hub.
The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.
on the navigation pane.
The Cloud Credentials page is displayed.
Click Add cloud credential.
The Details tab of the Add cloud credential dialog is displayed.
Perform the following steps in the Details tab:
Enter the relevant details of your subscription account that you have in the
mobile device cloud, in the Authentication tab.
You can find information about the details that are required for each of the supported mobile device clouds and the action you need to perform for the required fields in the following table:
Field Mobile device cloud Action BitBar Cloud BrowserStack Cloud pCloudy Cloud Perfecto Mobile Cloud Host Required Required Required Required Enter the hostname of the mobile device cloud instance. API key Required Required Required Not applicable Enter the API key of your cloud subscription account to authenticate the connection. Security token Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Required Enter the token used to authenticate the connection. Project Required Required Not applicable Not applicable Enter or select the project to use that is in the mobile device cloud. Username Not applicable Required Required Not applicable The username of your cloud subscription account. -
Click Add.
The cloud credential for your specific subscription account with a mobile device cloud is displayed in a table on the Cloud Credentials page.
You can find the following details about the cloud credential on the Cloud Credentials page.Column header Details displayed Provider
The name of the mobile device cloud service provider.
You can view the Toggle icon
associated with the service providers when you add a cloud credential.
Note: If you are the owner of the cloud credential, you can switch to an On/Off position. However, when you are not the owner and you try to use the Toggle iconan error message is displayed.
The name you entered for the cloud credential when you created the connection in the team space.
Credential Type
The type of cloud that is connected to Test Hub. Displays Device Cloud when you create a credential to connect to a mobile device cloud.
The abbreviated names of the team space members who are authorized users of the cloud credential. The abbreviated name is the combination of the first letters of the first name and last name.
The icons for the different actions that you can perform on the credential. Refer to the following table for the icons and the actions:Icon Action Available for Click to view details of the credential of the cloud subscription account. Team space owner and authorized user Click to edit and update the credential for any of your cloud subscription details. Team space owner Click to remove the configured connection to the mobile device cloud account from the server. Team space owner Click to add team space members as authorized users of the credential. Team space owner
What to do next
You can add team space members as authorized users of the credentials. See Adding authorized users to a cloud credential.