Installing the server software on RHEL by using k3s
You can install HCL OneTest™ Server on the RHEL server that has a Kubernetes environment to run functional, integration, and performance tests. HCL OneTest™ Server combines test data, test environments, test runs and reports into a single, web-based report for testers and non-testers.
Before you begin
You must have read and been familiar with additional Helm parameters. See Additional Helm parameters.
You must have performed the following tasks:
Completed the tasks provided in the Prerequisites section. See Prerequisites to install the server software on RHEL.
Set up the Kubernetes environment (k3s). See Setting up a Kubernetes environment (k3s) on RHEL.
Logged in to the server host system again after you completed the k3s environment setup.
Copied the INGRESS_DOMAIN value that is displayed on completion of the script.
About this task
The following table lists the variables that you must replace with the actual value in the command.
Variables | Description |
{my-ots} |
The release name of your choice.
Note: The
release name must consist of alphanumeric characters that are in
lowercase or -(hyphen). The release name must also start with an alphabetic character and end with an alphanumeric character. For example, my-org or abc-123. |
{my-ingress-dns-name} |
The INGRESS_DOMAIN value that is displayed after the completion of the script. |
{password-seed} |
A value of your choice for the password. Important: This password seed is used to create several
default passwords for the server. You must store the password seed
securely. When you install the server software by using the backup
of the user data, you can reuse the password seed. You can use this
seed to restore the backed-up files either on the current or later
versions of the server software.
{cloud-license-server-id} |
The ID of the License Server for the initial team space, if you want to set the license for the first time. Important: When you want to upgrade the product from the
previous version, you must configure the value of License
Server ID from the Team Space License
Configuration page when the installation of the
server is complete.
If you administer a network policy for your server installation.
If you do not intend to use the test authoring feature.
- Log in to the RHEL server using an SSH session.
Create a namespace in which you want to install the server software by running
the following command:
kubectl create namespace test-system
Remember: The test-system is the name of the namespace. If you created a namespace by using a different value, then you must use that value in place of test-system in all the instances in this procedure. -
Perform the following steps to install the server software:
- Optional:
Run the following command to remove a job that is used to initialize the
PostgreSQL database during the installation of the server software:
kubectl delete job {my-ots}-postgresql-init -n test-system
Run the following script from the hcl-onetest-server/files directory to verify and test the
installed server software:
hcl-onetest-server/files/ {my-ots} -n test-system
Instructions to access Keycloak to manage and authenticate users.
The username can be keycloak and the password can be retrieved by running the following command:kubectl get secret -n test-system {my-ots}-keycloak-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode; echo
Where, {my-ots} is a sub-domain name that you selected for the server.
The URL to access the HCL OneTest™ Server UI.
What to do next
Configure licenses for team spaces. See Configuring licenses for team spaces.
Configure the server software. See Configuration of the server software.