Viewing the performance metrics

When you add a monitoring source to the resource monitoring service and select performance counters, the resource monitoring process is automatically started. You can view the performance metrics of the system through statistics and a graph for each monitored source and selected counter.

Before you begin

You must have configured a monitoring source. See Monitoring host resources, Monitoring metrics collected by a Prometheus server, and Monitoring metrics exposed by an OpenMetrics exporter.

You access the performance metric results by clicking links in the tables that show the number of monitored sources.

About this task

You can perform the following actions for each resource monitoring source on this page:


  1. Filter the list of sources by collector type or by status.
  2. Add new monitoring sources.
  3. Expand a monitoring source to see the live performance metrics.
    A graphic is displayed for each counter.
  4. Click image of drop-down arrow to change the selection of counters.
    The changes are reflected in the resource monitoring graph.
  5. Click the Edit icon image of Edit icon to change the target host.
  6. Click the Delete icon image of delete icon to delete the monitoring source.
  7. Click the Selection icon image of selection icon to select additional counters.
  8. Click plus sign you must click to add a label to add a new label. For more information about this action, see the link in the related information section on this page.
    Note: You can add monitoring labels to identify the monitoring sources that can be used when you execute a schedule from HCL OneTest Server. Refer to the link in the Related information on this page.
    Image of performance metrics graphic example