Viewing stub usage statistics

After you start stubs that are connected to HCL OneTest Server, and then run tests on the stub, you can view the stub usage statistics from the Stub Usage page on HCL OneTest Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Created stubs in HCL OneTest API and committed the test resources to the remote repository.
  • Started the stubs on HCL OneTest Server. See Starting a stub.

About this task

After you run the stubs, you can view details of the stub usage from the Stub Usage page on HCL OneTest Server.

Important: The settings that you configure (such as the Period, or From and To) to view the stub usage details are retained for you during your ongoing session and the settings are retained even when you perform the following activities:
  • You log out of the server and log in again.
  • You log in after a server restart.


  1. Open your project on HCL OneTest Server.

    The Overview page is displayed as the default page after you created the project and logged in subsequently.

  2. Click Stub Usage.
    The stub details are displayed as a graph. The default view displays the stub usage data that is gathered during the previous week and grouped in an hourly interval. The total requests received from when the stub was started are displayed.Image of the stub usage graph

    The metric data that is reported is for the number of requests that are received by a stub. These can be requests, messages, or other calls that are received by the stub.

    You can change the default view by selecting an option from the following options:
    Option Description
    1 Week Displays the stub usage data that is gathered during the previous week and grouped in an hourly interval.
    Note: This is the default view.
    1 Day Displays the stub usage data that is gathered during the previous day and grouped in an eight-minute interval.
    1 Hour Displays the stub usage data that is gathered during the previous hour and grouped in a 20-second interval.
    Range Displays the stub usage data that is gathered during the date range specified in the From and To fields. You can select the date and time for both the From and To fields. The data is dynamically grouped in intervals that depend on the range selected.
    Note: You can refresh the view at any time to present the graph for the latest data by clicking Refresh.
  3. View details of the stub by hovering the mouse over any of the data-points to view the stub details at that point.
    The following details about the stub are displayed when you hover the mouse over the data-point:
    • Date and time of the request received.
    • Number of requests received.
    Image of the stub usage graph


You have viewed the stub usage details for the stubs that ran on HCL OneTest Server.

What to do next

You can perform any of the following tasks: