Stopping a stub
When you want to stop a stub that is running in HCL OneTest™ Server, you can stop the running stub from the Progress page. You must stop a running stub after you have completed running tests that are used by the stub.
Before you begin
You must have started the stub from the Execution page. See Starting a stub.
About this task

Go to the Progress page and identify the stub that you
want to stop.
Note: You can stop a running stub if it is in the In Transition or Running state.
Click the Stop execution icon
in the Actions column of the selected stub.
The Stop execution dialog box is displayed.
Set the timeout period for stopping the stub. Enter a numeric value and select
the unit from the options available such as Seconds,
Minutes, or Hours.
The time out period is the time during which the stub is allowed to stop on its own and after the timeout period, the stub is forced to stop abruptly.Important: If the timeout period is not set, a time of 30 seconds is considered as the default timeout period.Although the following options are selected by default, these options do not apply for stopping a running stub:
- Capture resultsRestriction: Results are not captured for the stubs started or run on HCL OneTest™ Server and the stubs are not displayed on the Results page.
- Execute 'finally-block', if present
- Capture results
Click Stop execution.
A notification message is displayed that the running stub is stopped successfully.
You have stopped a running stub. The stopped stub is displayed on the Progress page with the status as Stopped by User. Stopped stubs are not considered in the count of test assets run that is displayed on the Overview page.
What to do next
You can restart the stub by completing the configurations that you want from the Execution page.
You can open and view the Execution log of the stopped stub from the Actions column on the Progress page by clicking the Open action menu icon .