Task flows: HCL OneTest Data

You can use the task flow diagram to get started with HCL OneTest Data. After you select your project in HCL OneTest Server and navigate to the Data Fabrication page, you can complete the tasks in sequence to generate the test data. You can click the links to get more information about the tasks.

Generating the test data by using HCL OneTest Data

You can use the task flow diagram to help you to generate the test data.

Generation of test dataImport JSON or XSD from the local file systemGenerate a schema by using ConnectionsImport data from the local file systemCreate a schemaModify a schemaDesign a schemaDefine typesSet type propertiesUse sample filesAdd regular expressionsDesign structural view of a schemaSet restrictionsApply functionsGenerate the test dataGenerated test dataDownload the generated test dataRegenerate jobsTest data generation job is stuckCheck API history to troubleshootCancel jobs

Generating schema by using Connections

You can use the task flow diagram to generate a schema by using Connections in the Data Fabrication page.

Create a sample schemaEstablish a connection between HCL OneTest Data and external resourceGenerate a schema in HCL OneTest DataGenerate the test data

Integrating HCL OneTest Data with other applications

You can use the task flow to integrate HCL OneTest Data with other applications such as Jenkins and UrbanCode Deploy.

Integration with other applicationsGenerating the test data by using JenkinsGenerating the test data by using HCL UrbanCode DeployGenerating the test data by using JenkinsGenerating the test data by using JenkinsGenerating the test data by using HCL UrbanCode DeployGenerating the test data by using HCL UrbanCode Deploy