Tests supported on HCL OneTest Server

You can find information about the types of tests that you can configure for a test run in a project on HCL OneTest Server. You can also find information about the desktop clients in which you can create the test.

The following table lists the test types that are supported and those tests that are not supported for running on HCL OneTest Server:
Product Supported test runs Not supported test runs

HCL OneTest UI

  • Accelerated Functional Testing (AFT) Suites
  • Compound Tests that contain any of the following types of tests:
    • Web UI tests
    • Traditional HTML tests
    • Mobile tests

Traditional non-HTML tests.

An independent Web UI test and a mobile test outside of a Compound Test or an AFT Suite.


API Suites that include the following Test Suites:
  • Test Suites that contain scenarios with references to local stubs.
  • Test Suites that contain stubs that virtualize services run in any Kubernetes cluster or in the Kubernetes cluster that hosts HCL OneTest Server.


Test Suites that have tests with subscribe actions that operate in the watch mode.

A stand-alone API test case cannot be run independently. An API test case must be part of a Test Suite.

HCL OneTest Performance

  • Compound Tests that contain performance tests
  • Rate Schedules
  • VU Schedules

A single test script of any test extension.

Tests that belong to 32-bit test extensions and SOA Quality included in VU Schedule, Rate Schedule, and Compound Test.

Postman Postman resources
JMeter JMeter tests
Note: You must create compound tests for the same type of tests. For example, you can create a compound test that has different mobile tests that use different mobile testing platforms.
Restriction: You cannot merge folders that contain different test projects in the same project directory. For example, you cannot create a project directory that contains a Performance test project and an API Suite project. You must create separate project directories for each test type. For example, you must create the Performance test in the project directory as /MyPerfProject/ and the API Suite in the project directory as /MyAPIProject, before you commit the projects to the remote repository.