Setting up the HTTP proxy
When you want to run stubs on HCL OneTest™ Server, you must set up an HTTP proxy that the stubs can use. You must configure the HTTP proxy with the HCL OneTest™ Server URL and offline user token generated from HCL OneTest™ Server so that the HTTP proxy can register with HCL OneTest™ Server.
Before you begin
Before you set up the HTTP proxy, you must ensure that the following conditions are satisfied:
- You have installed HCL Quality Server V10.1.1 and enabled the HTTP proxy to register with HCL OneTest™ Server V10.1.1.
- You have installed HCL OneTest™ API V10.1.1 and created the stubs and configured them to use the HTTP proxy.
- You are using HCL OneTest™ Server V10.1.1 to start the stubs.
Important: The version of the software packages that you use to install HCL Quality Server, HCL OneTest™ API, and HCL OneTest™ Server must be the same. If the versions are not the same, you cannot start the stubs from
HCL OneTest™ Server.
About this task
Important: You must set up the HTTP proxy server by using the same version as the version of HCL OneTest™ Server.
When you create stubs in HCL OneTest™ API, you must configure the HTTP proxy in the Client tab for the HTTP transport. You must also edit the
registration.xml file that is located in the <QS_install_directory>\httptcp directory for the following attributes:- server base-url
- security-token
Perform the following steps in HCL OneTest™ API before you commit the test resources to the remote repository:
- Open the HTTP transport in the Physical View.
- Click the Client tab.
- Enter the host name or IP address of the computer that hosts the proxy server in the Proxy Host field.
- Enter the number of the port that is configured to connect with the proxy server in the Proxy Port field.
- Save and commit the project to the remote repository.
Perform the following steps in HCL OneTest™ Server:
- Log in to HCL OneTest™ Server.
- Generate the offline user token.
- Copy the offline user token to a text file.
Perform the following steps to edit the registration.xml file that is located in the <QS_install_directory>\httptcp directory:
Perform the following steps in HCL OneTest™ Server:
- Log in to HCL OneTest™ Server.
- Open your project.
- Click Infrastructure.
The HTTP proxies that you configured with your offline user token are displayed.